摘要: | 下世代的行動通訊系統將以整合行動異質網路的方式呈現無所不在的行動網際網路,對於現有網際網路上一些相當成功和成熟的多媒體內容服務,譬如多媒體檔案交換、音視訊串流服務、同儕檔案/串流/即時串流服務、隨選視訊服務、網際網路電視以及網際網路瀏覽等等,也將可能延伸應用在行動寬頻網路環境中。然而,由於行動和無線網路本身的特性與限制的影響(包括有限傳輸距離、頻寬和輸貫量分配、終端移動性、服務換手、行動終端電力容量和非對稱雙向傳輸能力等因素),對於目前在網際網路中運行的一些多媒體檔案傳輸以及串流服務技術和應用等,若直接套用在無線網路中使用時將會面臨諸多的挑戰與效能問題。有鑑於此,本子計畫將致力研發一套可支援「行動異質網路下新型態串流服務與應用」所需之軟體系統架構以及多媒體串流傳送技術,主要的研發內容包括:(1)行動多媒體串流服務功能與應用介面之研發、(2)行動多媒體串流應用程式架構之研發、(3)行動多媒體串流裝置與服務發現機制之研發、(4)行動非同步多媒體檔案傳送機制,與(5)行動居家裝置監控服務等;並且,依據上述的軟體架構和功能模組,來發展新型態的行動多媒體串流服務與應用。另外,在子計畫群體的研發技術整合方面,本子計畫也將與其他子計畫群協同設計系統和應用程式介面,用以動態調整串流服務品質和網路傳輸方式;以利爾後在標的平台上,子計畫之間相互進行研發成果之整合和測試。因此,本子計畫的研發成果,將能夠結合服務平台後端之行動串流服務管理技術,執行網路傳輸和服務品質的數據量測和回報,使得可以動態調節行動通訊裝置上網路和系統資源的配置,來達成和維持行動串流服務的服務品質(QoS)與服務經驗品質(QoE)的雙重保證。 ; The next generation of mobile network system features the convergence of fixed and mobile network systems, providing a ubiquitous network environment – remarkably the Mobile and Wireless Internet – where the underlying infrastructure consists of multiple heterogeneous networks. A mobile user, with a modern handheld device equipped with multiple connectivity modules, can access to wireless or mobile network anytime, anywhere. Consider many popular and mature multimedia services, such as P2P file/streaming, VoD, IPTV and Web surfing services, in the Internet. It is desirable that mobile users will obtain the same service in the coming future. However, in wireless and mobile networks several critical conditions, limited bandwidth, limited transmission range, communication asymmetry, mobility and frequent disconnection, and battery restriction, greatly challenge the design and development of mobile multimedia services. This circumstance inspires our study of any promising solutions for enabling mobile multimedia services, in particular the mostly sticky mobile streaming services. Our research proposal aims to design a mobile streaming software architecture which supports essential service building and functional modules so as to facilitate the fast introduction of any novel and new mobile multimedia services. In our primary design, this architecture integrates several significant mechanisms, including provision of basic streaming primitives and functions, mobile streaming delivery and playback mechanism, mobile streaming device and service discovery mechanism, mobile asynchronous content delivery mechanism, and mobile remote home automation service. On the other hand, for integration of research efforts by other associate projects, our architecture will further design a set of which customized functional interfaces can be invoked by associate projects to run designated control actions at mobile streaming services. Specifically, service management system developed by associate projects will call for the measure and report of QoS and QoE data about network transmission and service rendering. The management system can accordingly adjust or do feedback control on network and system resource to sustain mobile streaming services against various network conditions. Finally, our project deliverable is to manifest the proposed prototype as well as mobile streaming scenario as considered in this proposal. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907 |