本研究擬從台灣新移民與社會服務輸送體系的網絡關係,來分析台灣社會福利政策之下的新移民問題,亦即「新移民的福利輸送的過程中,到底出現了哪些問題」為本文所關注的問題意識。 七零年代以降,我國受到西方福利私有化的影響,政府乃積極結合民間力量推動社會福利,新移民的福利輸送規劃與執行也不例外。本研究目的,在探究新移民福利輸送資源網絡中,政府與非營利組織如何地達成新移民福利服務提供之目標?惟新移民在福利使用能力上,受到本身能動性或自主性不足的限制。準此,本文透過觀察與描繪,政府與非營利組織在建構治理網絡過程中,如何策劃、推動與實踐的過程,釐清新移民的福利需求「滿足與否」這個問題,是如何地受到政府,或非營利組織的「忽略」與「置之不理」? 研究範圍為台北都會區,包括台北縣、市政府,以及提供新移民服務經驗豐富的非營利組織。透過深度訪談法與次級資料分析法,探究台北縣、市各自的政策網絡,以及相異公民文化的非營利組織之治理網絡,在提供新移民福利的過程中,各自存在的優勢與限制,並進一步討論台北都會區內,政府與非營利組織提供的資源類型是否符合該區新移民的需求。 This research seeks to analysis the problem of New Emigrant on Taiwan Social Welfare Policy base on the relationship of Emigrant and social service delivery system. In other word, ”What’s wrong with the process on delivering for New Emigrant” is this article’s most important question. Since 1970, Western’s welfare private effects on Taiwan, government engage to work with civil society to push social welfare, so does the delivery system of New Emigrant. The purpose of this research is to explore government and NPO which how to achieve the end to providing service for New Emigrant in the resource network of New Emigrant welfare delivery. But New Emigrant would be hard to be able to get the kinds of welfare because of the lace of agency or autonomy. In a word, we through observing and describing the network construction process between government and NPO, including planning, pushing and practicing, then figure out the question which be ignored by government and NPO , about New Emigrant’s need of welfare is satisfied or not.