隨著數位化的時代來臨,電視廣播也逐漸從傳統的類比式系統轉換成數位式系統,正如行動通訊從第一代的類比式系統演進到第二代以語音為主和第三代能夠提供多媒體服務的數位式系統。數位式視訊廣播系統能夠克服現有類比系統因地形地物因素造成接收不良或忽強忽弱的現象,提供更高畫質與更佳音質的節目。同時,頻譜的使用也更為有效率,在同一頻寬可以傳送更多的節目。更重要的一點,數位視訊廣播能夠提供數據廣播(data broadcasting)所衍生的各種加值服務。因此本計畫希望以三年之時間,研究DVB-T 系統及其積體電路設計,理論與架構之探討與模擬。重點將放在通道編碼部份做深入研究。配合本計畫在第一階段(前一年半)以強韌、低複雜度的通道編碼為目標。第二階段(後一年半)則將以低功率、高速之通道編碼器並將其矽智產模組化(intellectual property)為目標。本計畫希望在三年內完成高性能之DVB 系統設計、雛形建立及晶片製作。除了對電腦與通訊工業在技術上的直接助益外,研究過程中所獲得的經驗與成果亦將提供學術界對系統演算法及硬體設計方面之專才訓練。特別是在演算法分析,電路架構設計以至於系統技術之垂直整合及各子計劃間之水平整合的過程,將有助於使學術研究的成果落實於實際的應用中。 ; With the digital scenario coming, the traditional analogue television system gradually becomes to the digital television system. As the first generation mobile communication system, the analogue system. The evolution of 1G system provides the audio service, called the 2G system. Further, the 3G system can provide the digital service of multimedia. Digital video broadcasting system overcomes the gross signal due to terrain, it can provide the high quality visual and acoustic fidelity. Therefore, the digital video broadcasting system can provide the data broadcasting, accompanied the vary value service. The goal of the project is to investigate system, architecture and circuit design techniques of digital video broadcasting receiver, especially focus on the channel coding architecture design. In the first stage of this project (the first half and a year), we shall achieve the channel coding of robustness and low complexity. In the second stage of this project, achieved low power and high performance design, accomplished to the IP-based (Intellectual Property) design. We hope to complete the high performance digital video broadcasting receiver system module design, FPGA prototype and chip implementation. We believe the research results can upgrade the R&D of capability digital video broadcasting receiver system. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807