近年來,文化創意產業的發展已成為各國政府在發展國家經濟及提昇社會生活品質之核心。隨著地方產業的興起,以及族群意識的抬頭,客家文化也逐漸受到重視。而客家文化產業的興起,除了能為當地重塑客家文化,另一方面也藉由消費的過程認同客家文化並創造出新的文化價值。 隨著行政院於「挑戰2008-國家發展重點計劃」中,提出為因應國民生活品味提升、注重精緻、創意、舒適、便利及高品質的生活,將創意生活產業納入文化創意產業成為第13項範籌。其最大目的是期望能藉由台灣特有的地方文化特色,將創意、科技、美學的概念運用在產業面上,以協助傳統產業的升級與轉型。基此,若能再將企業組織中經營策略的理論與其相結合,相信更能為傳統產業的轉型開拓出一個新的局面。 過去關於經營策略理論的研究大多是套用在企業組織上,對於在文化創意產業上的研究相對較少。本研究主要是針對創意生活產業中的客家創意米食產業為主,以平衡計分卡的理論內涵為基礎,針對重新規劃後的五個構面:使命構面、財務構面、內部流程構面、顧客構面及學習與成長構面,作為觀察的要素,試圖以全方位的角度來重新檢視客家創意米食產業之經營策略構型。 In recent years, the development of culture creative industries has become the focus when governments in various countries want to develop the economy and to promote the quality of social life. Along with the emergence of local industries and the rise of ethnic consciousness, Hakka culture is gradually getting attention. However, the emergence of Hakka culture industry, not only can rebuild Hakka culture locally, but also can identify with Hakka culture and create new culture value through the consumption process. Therefore, Executive Yuan proposed “Challenge 2008: National Development Projec”, to respond citizen living the tasty promote, pay attention to fine, creativity, comfort, convenience and high-quality life, creative life industries bring into cultural and creative industries to become the 13th range. This research is mainly aim at the Hakka creative rice industries, and the main purpose for this research is balanced scorecard. It use five perspectives to look this research at mission perspective, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal process perspective, learning and growth perspective.