在臺灣,客家話和閩南?的關係非常密切,為了對這兩種語言的特點能有更深刻的理解,不僅要研究兩者語言間的「同中有異」,也應該將目光放在「異中有同」的部份。近年來的漢語方言的研究蓬勃發展,而客家話的研究也日趨深入,粵東、閩西、贛南、台灣各地的客家話材料也陸續展現在世人面前;而在各方的努力之下,單一地點的詳盡調查不斷出爐,因此我們對臺灣客家話的五種主要方言(四縣話、海陸話、大埔話、饒平話、詔安話),已有更深刻的了解。在「同中有異」的部份,包括客家話、閩南語之間的差異以及不同客家話之間的差異已經得到了充費的關注,而在本論文則是將重點放在「異中有同」的部份,包含了客家話、閩南語歷時的同源關係,和共時的滲透關係(語言接觸的影響),關於這類的研究尚不多見。 本論文的第一章為緒論,第二章則為文獻探討,舉出歷來有關於借詞探討的文章。第三章以及第四章為臺灣客家話中的閩南語借詞,舉出在客家話中移借自閩南語的辭彙,並按照張屏生借詞的分類方式將借詞分為四種類型,第五章為結論。經過資料的查詢以及比對,一共找出了八十二條向閩南語所借的辭彙。 關鍵詞:客家語 閩南語 借詞 In Taiwan, the relationship between Hakka language and South Min language is interests many people. In order to understand characteristics of the two languages profoundly, we study not only the difference between Hakka language and South Min language but also the same constituents in the two languages. These days,the research in Chinese dialects is rising and flourishing. So many people center on Hakka language and do some research deeply little by little. In Mainland China and Taiwan, Hakka research showed one after another. Thank to government organizations and other academic organizations’ help and great effort, the research focus on singular place also showed than we can know more details about the five dialects of Hakka. The research about the differences between Hakka language and South Min language and the differences in Hakka languages are got enough attention. In this thesis, we will discuss the same constituents about the two languages. The thesis is divided into five chapters altogether. Chapter one – the introduction, state the research motive and purpose, research approach of the thesis. Chapter two – documents discussion, does retrospect of documents related to the proposition. Chapter three and Chapter four– the borrowing words of Hakka language from South Min language. And we divided these borrowing words into four types. Chapter five – conclusion. Through research, we found eighty- two borrowing words of Hakka language from South Min. Keyword:Hakka language South Min language borrowing words