本篇探討將分子自我組合(Self-assembled)的特性應用在電化學聚合有機導電高分子薄膜,以期得到具規則排列和良好導電度的薄膜。本實驗合成不同碳鏈的?-(N-?咯)烷基硫醇分子,並將?-(N-?咯)烷基硫醇分子吸附在金電極上形成分子自我組合單層膜(SAMs)後,再以(SAMs)修飾的金電極做為工作電極電化學聚合?咯,了解電極修飾對?咯聚合的影響;並探討?-(N-?咯)烷基硫醇分子的長短對所形成之SAMs及其上所沈積的聚?咯膜的性質有何不同的效應。經由化學分析電子分光能譜儀、橢圓儀、接觸角測量儀、反射式紅外線光譜儀和石英晶片微量天平所得的數據證明?-(N-?咯)烷基硫醇分子雖末端帶有一?咯環,但其吸附在金表面的單層膜乃具有某種程度的規則性,並隨著烷基碳鏈長增加而增加。但在金載體上的覆蓋度皆小於80%,經修飾過金電極在不同聚合方式所沈積之聚?咯膜無論在導電性或平整度都比沈積在未修飾金電極之聚?咯膜來的好,其中以四氟硼酸四乙基胺/氰甲烷溶液為電解質溶液電化學沈積在經?-(N-?咯)烷基硫醇分子修飾的金電極上的聚?咯膜其導電度為較佳,聚?咯膜與修飾電極之黏著度、膜平整度及導電度會隨著修飾分子碳鏈數的增加而更好,沈積在?-(N-?咯)十二烷硫醇修飾之金電極上之聚?咯膜其導電度可為沈積在未修飾金電極上的52倍。 The preparation, characterization, and application of self-assembled monolayer had been attracted attentions by the academic community. In this studied, we synthesized ?-(N-pyrrolyl)alkanethiols with various alkyl chain length and use them as surface modifing agents to form self-assembled monolayers(SAMs) on polycrystalline gold surface. The SAMs on Au surface can enhance the nucleation, adhesion, and orientation of polypyrrole films when the Au was used as a working electrode to electrochemical deposition of polypyrrole. The ellipsometry, contact angle, polarization modulation infrared reflectance absorption spectroscopy(PM-IRRAS), quartz crystal microbalance(QCM), ESCA data showed that the SAMs of ?-(N-pyrrolyl)alkanethiol have some degree of order. Higher order was found in SAMs with longer alkyl chain. Nevertheless, all the ?-(N-pyrrolyl)alkanethiol have surface coverage less than 80%. Polypyrrole films grown on SAM modified Au electrode were characterized with the surface analysis, charge transport measurement, PM-IRRAS studies, and adhesion test. It was found that Polypyrrole films deposited on ?-(N-pyrrolyl)alkanethiol modified Au electrode have higher electric conductivity and smoother surface than these deposited on unmodified Au electrode. The room temperature conductivity of polypyrrole deposited on ?-(N-pyrrolyl)dodecanethiol is 52 times higher than that deposit on unmodified Au.