橋梁在使用期間無可避免會受各種因素的影響,產生結構性或功能性的損壞,使其無法發揮正常功能。對一個完整的橋梁管理系統而言,為避免重大災害的產生,建立一般性的維修管理機制是重要且必須的。目前台灣的橋梁管理系統多依橋梁狀態計算指標排序作為維修橋梁評選的基準,較缺乏系統性效益的衡量。且在有限的經濟資源下,僅以排序評選橋梁將無法使資源得到最佳配置而造成浪費。 本研究提出一系統性橋梁維修評選架構,其可作為各橋梁管理單位評選維修橋梁、編列年度預算、乃至採用續進式決策之參考依據。首先利用劣化預測評估橋梁未來狀態,同時藉以計算決策者與用路人經由維修橋梁可得效益。最後在系統總效用最大的前提下,考慮橋梁對間的相關性,並利用數學規劃的方法針對橋梁的一般性維修構建一組合最佳化評選模式。對於選優模式之求解,則分別利用傳統鄰近搜尋及一新式啟發式演算法進行之。為評估此決策模式之效果,本研究進行一範例測試,並針對橋梁評選參數進行敏感度分析發現結果良好,應可做為實務應用之參考。 There are various factors that cause damage of bridges in terms of structure and functional capability in the bridge’s life cycle. It is important to establish a complete bridge management system in order to avoid great damage. Most of bridge management systems in Taiwan choose the bridges for maintenance by ranking an index counted from its condition state. Because the index may not completely represent the maintenance benefit, the resources may be wasted. In this research, we develop a systematic framework for evaluating bridge maintenances. The framework is divided into four stages. At first, we use Markov Chain theory to forecast the future condition state of a bridge. According to the bridge’s state, we use both agency and user benefit as the total benefit that the system can get from maintaining the bridge. After evaluating the total benefit, we develop an optimization model that determines the best bridges to be maintained with the object of maximizing the system benefit, considering the budget constrain, correlation between every bridge pair, and other related constrains. To solve the model, we apply a local search algorithm and a new heuristic algorithm. Finally we perform a case study and the solution algorithm to evaluate our model. The results show that the model and the solution method could be useful.