第一部分 首先,我們在Merrifield 樹脂接上Thiophenol 此一官能基。然後利用Alkylation 、Addition 或Mitsunobu reaction 等各種方法接上不同的取代基並予以衍生,接著利用氧化、Pummer rearrange 與鹼性或還原條件下斷裂之三步驟系統反應將產物從固相載體上斷下來,最終可以得到Alcohols 、Aldehydes 、Diols 、Peptides…等不同類型的產物。 第二部分 針對含羧酸基苯酚類持久性有機污染物嚴重危害到環境生態及人類健康之問題,提供一有效的系統方法來合成此類有機污染物。並期望經由分析的方法來了解此類環境荷爾蒙的各種性質及其作用的機制,進一步的維護我們大自然的健康。 Chapter 1 We have used sulfide “Safety Catch” linkers to anchor typical combinatorial chemistry functional groups to Merrifield resin. Compounds were loaded as the ether, ester, alcohol or peptide. At the end of the synthesis, the sulfoxide resins were cleaved by Pummerer rearrangement to produce aldehydes, or reduced to alcohols. Application of this strategy to solid phase synthesis gave high yields and good purities. Chapter 2 Carboxy-nonylphenol polyethoxy carboxylates (CNPECs) is one of the major classes of the organic pollutants in the rivers in Taiwan. These environmental hormones have potential to significantly endanger ecology and human health. Here, we have supplied an effective synthesis method for CNPECs derivatives, and these pollutants will be analyzed by GC/MS.