隨著我國社會經濟發展快速,人口不斷聚集於都市,導致高層公寓大廈激增,形成居民關係日趨複雜,爭議層出不窮,如管理組織之組成、移交、財務收支運用情形、管理服務人之委任、僱傭及監督…等爭議事件頻傳。有鑒於此,政府積極舉辦優良公寓大廈管理組織評選活動,藉此引導管理組織遵循法令之規定執行運作及提升居民主動參與社區共同事務、營造和諧之動力。並由評選機制鼓勵居民發揮「自主管理」的精神,主動參與社區管理維護工作。因此,評選項目係計畫執行的關鍵,攸關其是否符合居民對優良公寓大廈的期待。本研究以針對「桃園縣100 年優良公寓大廈管理組織評選」之評選項目標準為探討分析。 本論文於第一章論述研究動機與方向;第二章中即針對相關理論及文獻的探討;第三章整理出研究架構並擇定研究方法;第四章中開始聚焦於受測者量化資料分析並綜合探討;第五章則針對研究結果提出實質建議。研究結果發現,居民對於所選案例之評選項目及標準,大多表示支持及肯定。但本研究針對現實面建議降低「管理維護面向」之評選比例,提高評選項目中居民參與「活動發展面向」的比例,並增加加分項目例如節能減碳、老人長照、幼兒托育等,以加強居住環境的功能,符合居民對優良公寓大廈管理組織的期待。Thanks to the rapidly progressing of our nation’s economics, people preferto live in cities nowadays. To increase the space for the rising population, moreand more skyscrapers have been built. The complex relationship betweenresidents lead to many problems, such as argument, the rights of eachresident ,and the operation of the community…etc. Therefore, the governmentpromotes harmony by holding a competition which called “Evaluation of theexcellent condominium buildings”. The competition can find out the bestcommunity, which can handle all these problems smoothly and wisely. What’smore? The competition can also encourage all the residents to be on their bestbehavior or even take part in promoting their community atmosphere actively.The study below is the analysis of “2011 Evaluation of the excellentcondominium buildings in Taoyuan County”(Please check the chapter listbelow)Chapter 1: The motives and reasons of why choosing the subject.Chapter 2: The theories and documents that related to the subject.Chapter 3: The way to make the study and the structure of the studyChapter 4: The investigation of the feedback by the testees.Chapter 5: The suggestions made according to the study.While the study shows that most of the residents tend to support“Evaluation of the excellent condominium buildings”, I suggest to increase theproportion of “aspect of activities development”, decrease the proportion of“aspect of community management ” and promote the extra items such astaking care of the elders or recycling…etc, that will meet the residents’ need.