消防工作為預防火災、搶救災害及緊急救護,以維護公共安全,確保人民財產。此為消防法所明訂的三大工作項目,近年來我國經濟發展蓬勃、環境的開發及國人生活型態的改變等,使得預防火災工作中法令列管場所與消防安全檢查的場所數量亦隨之增加;環境的過度開發使得人為災害或天然災害其種類多樣性、規模放大讓搶救災害更為不易;國人生活型態的改變,使用救護車的緊急救護案件是直線上升;前述訴說的僅是消防工作的一部分,然而民眾現行無法解決的問題,均撥打119尋求解決辦法,因此,勤務量地增加,已是不爭的事實;然而,在有限的消防人力下,如何公平地、有效率地解決排班問題,成為值得研究的議題。本研究針對第一線救災、救護的消防人員在隊值勤的排班,利用各種參數設定,規劃出一套以整數規劃為架構之數學最佳化模式。利用LINGO8.0軟體來規劃求解,因此,可因應不同的勤務需求、轄區特性隨時調整及設定參數,於短時間內重新規劃執勤人員的勤務規劃。為驗證本模式的適用性,針對新竹縣政府消防局為範例測試,測試結果確實較人工經驗指派效率更高。而本模式優越的效益更可運用於消防實務上。Firefighting duties consists of three major components: fire prevention, fire and emergency medical rescues. These tasks serve protect the loss of assets for the people. In recent years, the Taiwanese economy has made dramatic advancements and hence changed the lifestyles of citizens in a positive manner. For this reason, the public’s fire safety protocols and regulations has skyrocketed in number. The overdevelopment of our environment has infused more and larger natural and man-made hazards. The improvement in lifestyle expectation means a lot more demands for better and faster medical rescues. The above mentioned represented merely a portion of firefighting duties. Moreover, 119 also receive miscellaneous duty calls by the public, which ultimately increases the quantity of tasks and decreases quality of service. In the reality of limited staff, the fair and efficient distribution of manpower has become a notable area of study. This study analyses the scheduling of frontline fire and medical rescue teams. With statistical methods, the study plans to design a complete mathematical model that optimizes efficiency. The LINGO12 software will provide answers by calculating different requirements, zone specification. This will contribute to the programming of the parameter to reorganize the tasks of firefighters. To test this method’s practicality, a test is conducted to the Hsin Chu County Fire Department. The results show that the new method does improve efficiency. This coucludes that the model could be applied in actual fire safety tasks.