摘要: | 在魏晉南北朝時期的哀挽詩文書寫中,哀傷並非是唯一的書寫宗旨,同時人們對於死亡的認識,也無法以偏概全地從宗教、思想等層面認識。以死亡作為書寫主軸,除了主流的詩、賦之外,因應喪葬禮儀而生的碑、誄、祭、弔、墓誌、行狀、哀辭、哀策、挽歌等體,因書寫者所處之環境、時空不同,對於死亡的認識也會有所差異。本文以「六朝哀挽詩文研究」為題,以臨終詩文、挽歌、祭、弔、誄、哀辭、哀策作為探討重心,以生命從臨終到追悼作為主軸,試圖從中勾勒出不同哀挽詩文,在描繪死亡時所具備的不同特色。全文共分六章: 第一章「緒論」:說明本論文之研究動機、範圍與步驟,以便釐清本文所論述之「哀挽詩文」,針對過往研究成果作一梳理與評價,並對於各章內容要旨作一概括。 第二章「面對與釋懷:六朝文人的臨終製作」:從臨終詩文書寫內容之變遷,觀察六朝士人於臨終之際的關懷,並從中觀照魏晉南北朝時期些許價值觀的變動。 第三章「送往與激盪:六朝時期挽歌的文人化」:從挽歌創作的地域限制與聲辭特色,重新探究陸機與陶淵明〈挽歌詩〉之特色,並梳理六朝挽歌流變。 第四章「從儀式到創作:六朝弔祭文的發展與書寫」:首先將祭文文獻加以整理與分類,從施於禮儀之弔書、弔文,側觀弔古書寫之文學價值,並以屈原為中心,探討祭、弔之施用與歷史人物評價之關聯。 第五章「述德與敘哀:六朝誄文、哀辭、哀策的書寫特色及文體與禮儀之互涉」:簡略梳理誄文之流變,以此觀照源流於誄文的哀辭、哀策之發展與文學特色,並從中窺探《文選》「哀」類之選文問題與典範所在。 第六章「結論」:總結本文研究,觀照出六朝時人書寫死亡並非僅是「哀傷」的單一面貌,藉由不同作品、文體所勾勒出的死亡,揭示了六朝時期對於死亡認識之複雜性,並對於本文之優缺點與未來之發展與續寫方向,作一簡單之鋪陳。 Mourning was not the sole purpose for writing mourning poetry and prose in the Six Dynasties, and the understanding of death among humans cannot be overly generalized through religion and ideas. In addition to the mainstream writing of poems and rhymed prose on death, other types of texts on funerals and burials presented varied views on death due to differences in the environment, period, and location of the writers. This study on mourning poems and prose of the Six Dynasties focuses on texts including dying poems, dirges, funeral addresses, condolences, elegies, laments, etc., from the gradual cessation of life to mourning after death, in order to demonstrate the features of different mourning texts depicting death. The study is divided into six chapters as follows: In the first chapter, the introduction, the research motives, range of study, and procedure are elaborated upon to clarify “mourning poems and prose” in the study. Previous scholarship on this topic is reviewed, and the content and aim of each chapter is summarized. Chapter Two: Facing Death and Release — Writings before Death of Six Dynasties’ Literati. From the change of content of writings before death, the concerns of literati of the Six Dynasties before death are observed, along with some changes in values. Chapter Three: Farewell and Turbulence — the Transformation of Dirges by Literati in the Six Dynasties. The characteristics of the dirges of Lu Ji and Tao Yuanming are explored from the limitation of location and features of sound and rhetoric, along with the development of dirges of the period. Chapter Four: From Ritual to Composition — the Development and Writing of Condolences and Funeral Addresses in the Six Dynasties. A preliminary organization and classification of the literature of mourning is carried out, with an analysis of compositional characteristics. Through ritual mourning texts, the literary value of laments on the past is observed, and through the writings of Qu Yuan, the relationships between the utilization of mourning texts and the assessment of historical figures are also discussed. Chapter Five: Eulogy and Mourning — the Compositional Features of Elegies and Laments of the Six Dynasties and the Mutual Influences of these Texts and Ritual. The development of elegies is briefly discussed to reflect the subsequent development and literary characteristics of laments, including an identification of the problems of selection and standard examples of the ai category of mourning texts in the Wenxuan. Chapter Six is the conclusion. This summarizes the whole study and demonstrates the fact that texts on death in the Six Dynasties were not merely an expression of mourning. Death depicted in different writings reveal the complicated views on death of the time. The chapter ends with a brief mention of the contributions and limitations of the study, as well as suggestions for future research. |