本論文設計D-fiber的結構,探討532nm的雷射光以SMF-28基模入射並經過此D-fiber結構以後,能夠讓收光系統收到最佳之拉曼訊號。模擬中首先藉由改變銀膜厚度,定出最佳鍍膜厚度為10nm,接著改變研磨深度,並且探討在不同包覆層材質的影響下,包含了空氣、水、熔融石英(Fused silica)、聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl alcohol)增強係數的分布。最後我們也計算實際系統架設下,各種包覆層及研磨深度相對應拉曼訊號之大小,藉由這些計算結果來評估最佳化的拉曼訊號,以及系統之效率,並與實驗做對照,同時也提出未來之改進。In this study, we analyze the Raman signal from the platform constructed by D-fiber structure. In the simulation, we find the optimal thickness of 10nm which gives the highest Raman enhancement. Besides, the enhancement factor was calculated under various conditions such as the polished depth and the refractive index of the overclad materials. Finally, realistic power of requirement was estimated taking into account of the detection limit to our instruments.