近年來,客家文化及音樂越來越受到重視,在現代與傳統文化相互交雜之下,一般民眾也因受到西方音樂及華語流行音樂文化的多元性曲風影響之下,對於客家創作音樂也較能夠接受,也顯示客家音樂文化已產生多元性的質變,作者主要想藉由研究此題目,來了解民眾對於客家創作音樂的看法及觀點。 本論文將探討1980年代之後的客家創作音樂,把重心放在1992年代之後多元化曲風的客家創作音樂上,並且以民眾對於客家創作音樂的認知,來探討一般民眾對於客家創作音樂的看法。文中談到了客家音樂,也同時娓娓的敘述客家創作音樂的歷史及演變,讓民眾了解客家創作音樂的多樣化及豐富性。 此研究進一步利用文化迴圈觀點探討客家創作音樂,以具有概念性的觀點闡述客家創作音樂的觀點,讓客家創作音樂用更多元及廣度之下做更深入的探討。最後用客觀的方法,使用發放問卷的方法來觀看民眾對現代客家創作音樂現況的發展以及認知情況。 關鍵字: 民眾、客家創作音樂、認知、文化迴圈 In recent years, the Hakka culture and the music are more and more popular, modern and traditional culture mutually mixed, the people received the Western music under Taiwan pop music polytropic culture influence could accept regarding the Hakka popular music, also demonstrated the Hakka culture has had the polytropic contents, the author wants to study because of this topic to understand the people regarding the Hakka popular music view by the scheduled viewpoint. After the present paper will discuss 1980 after the Hakka popular music also placed the center of gravity 1992 in multiculture Hakka popular music, this article by the people regarding the Hakka popular music cognition, discussed the common people regarding the Hakka popular music view.In this article talked about the Hakka music, on and on narrates the Hakka popular music history and the evolution at the same time, lets the people understand the diversification and rich from the Hakka popular music. This research further using the culture circle to discuss the Hakka popular music, by the conceptive viewpoint to elaborate Hakka popular music conceptive, lets the Hakka popular music makes a thorough discussion with multi-dimensional and the breadth under. Finally uses objective method also provides the questionnaire the method to look modern Hakka popular music present situation and the development as well as meets condition.Key word:People, Hakka popular music, Cognition, Culture circle