本研究主要是建立樣品線上濃縮技術(on-line concentration)以提高毛細管電泳(CE)的靈敏度。毛細管電泳是近年來相當受到重視的分析技術,但往往受限於毛細管的光徑長度,使得在以UV的偵測上,無法有效降低分析的偵測極限。利用樣品線上濃縮技術來提高靈敏度的方式,不必更改或更換任何儀器設備,以達到簡便且經濟的需求。其原理是增加毛細管中樣品的進樣量,以不同方式將樣品聚集濃縮,提高樣品的相對濃度。 奈磺酸鹽類(Naphthalene Sulfonates)是指磺酸根取代基在奈丸的不同位置上取代所形成之位置異構物,在製藥與化學工業的產品製造上均被廣泛使用。由於這類化合物具有很高的水溶性與穩定性,易隨水流四處擴散,加上廢水處理無法適當降解這類化合物,以致這些物質隨廢水排放入自然水環境中,進而污染水源及影響環境生態。此外由於一般的毛細管區帶電泳(CZE)並無法有效分離位置異構物,因此將利用毛細管環糊精修飾區帶電泳對位置異構物進行分析,以達有效分離。 研究中將改良反向電極極性堆積模式(Reverse Electrode Polarity Stacking Mode、REPSM),對樣品進行堆積進而分離,並改變緩衝溶液中b-、g-環糊精之組成成份及比例,以求分離達到最佳化。在最佳的樣品堆積分離條件下,方法偵測極限可達到4mg/L。遷移時間與波峰的再現性也因加入內標準品而有顯著的改善,此分析物的定性與定量更加精密。此方法亦成功應用至飲用水之微量分析。 This study systematically investigates the optimal conditions for analyzing the positional isomers of multi-charged naphthalenesulfonate compounds by cyclodextrin-mediated capillary electrophoresis (CE). Specifically, this work employs large-volume sample injection with the electrode polarity switching technique. The most effective separation and sample stacking conditions was 15 mM borate buffer with a mixture of b- and g-cyclodextrin (CD) (concentration ratio 3:7 mM) at pH 9.2 and 25℃, and the sample hydrodynamic injection of up to 60 seconds at 3 psi (around 1802 nL). Significant selective and sensitive improvements were observed and a more than 100-fold enrichment was achieved (based on peak area). The reproducibility of migration time and quantitative results of stacking CE can be improved by using internal standards. The quantitation limits of these naphthalenesulfonate isomers, based on a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio above 10, can be reached about 4 mg/L with UV detection. This method was successfully applied to determine the trace amount of naphthalenesulfonate isomers in a spiked drinking water sample.