為因應糧食安全問題,政府需要更精確的農業作物管理和農業土地利用資訊。本計畫將舉辦應用遙測技術於農作監測與產量估算之國際研討會,邀請美、加、歐盟、日本、中國等國際相關領域之專家、學者來台進行研討與座談,期能提出具體之建議與經驗交流。同時評估國際農業監測計畫合作之可能。希望能提供區域性與當地作物產量監測資訊並結合全球作物監測模式與衛星遙測分析估測技術,計畫成果將有助於強化糧食生產監測相關之能力建構與國內重要農作之遙測監測資訊觀測。 ; Information on crop growing areas and crop production is important for policymakers to devise better crop management strategies to tackle with the food security issue. The goal of this project is to build an effective crop monitoring program in Taiwan using remote sensing through the collaboration with the global agricultural monitoring project for enhancing food security. Specifically, this project aims to address the following pillars: <P align=left>(1) To evaluate project collaboration with the Global Agricultural Monitoring projects , Earth Observations (GEO); (2) To held an international workshop on the applications of remote sensing technology for crop area monitoring and production estimation. The purposes of this workshop are to exchange knowledge and to share experiences in issues of crop monitoring and food security. Experts from different countries including the United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan ,China etc. will be invited; <P align=left>(3) To apply the global crop monitoring model for monitoring crop areas and crop production in the context of Taiwan using remotely-sensed data. We are expecting to produce results that contribute to food security enhancement in Taiwan. The results achieved from this project can also be used for capacity building. ; 研究期間 10201 ~ 10212