摘要: | 本文主要探討毛澤東在1972 年至1976 年所發起的政治運動及其背後原因。 「林彪事件」後,毛澤東眼見「文革」頹勢已現,身心大受打擊,不得不仰賴周恩來整頓失控的局勢。然而,周恩來「批判極左思潮」的作為卻讓心繫「文革」成敗的毛澤東深感不滿;再加上「赫魯曉夫祕密報告」的陰影,毛澤東對於聲勢高漲的周恩來愈來愈不信任,終於決定發動「批林批孔運動」同時「批周公」,大挫周的黨內外聲勢,並藉此鞏固「文化大革命」的理論和實踐,防止「右傾翻案」的可能。與此同時,「文革」初期與劉少奇一起被批的鄧小平以「永不翻案」重獲毛的信任再次崛起。鄧小平復出後,在周恩來「批左」的基礎上進行「全面整頓」,使「批林批孔運動」以後陷入困難的國家局勢得到控制。但「全面整頓」的過程同樣觸及毛澤東對「文革」的敏感政治神經,又有毛遠新的從中挑撥,毛澤東終於決定發動「批鄧、反擊右傾翻案風」以捍衛「文革」。 綜觀毛澤東晚年所發起的政治運動,無論是「批周公」或是「批鄧」,皆來自其「文革」心病。毛雖也不願國家持續動亂,但當經濟建設與「文革」立場有所衝突時,毛會毫不猶豫的選擇支持「文革」,使得1972 年至1976 年間,中國在經濟建設方面幾乎毫無建樹,形成一場為害後世甚鉅的浩劫。 The thesis is a study on the causes of Mao Zedong's political movements from1972 to 1976. After “Lin Biao Incident”, the appearance of the declining tendency of Cultural Revolution, Mao was totally struck down and eager to make turmoil under control with the help of Zhou Enlai. However, Zhou’s behavior of “Criticize Ultra-Left Trend of Thought” deeply dissatisfied Mao who was concerned about the consequences of Cultural Revolution moreover, the shadow from “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences” delivered by Nikita Khrushchev, Mao increasingly distrusted Zhou Enlai since his rising to fame. Hence, Mao started a political campaign which was also known as “The Criticize Lin (Biao), and Criticize Confucius Campaign” and also tried to weaken Zhou's political position so that he could strengthen the theory and practice of Cultural Revolution and avoided the possibility of the reversal from Right-wing politics. Meanwhile, Deng Xiaoping, who was criticized with Liu Shaoqi at the initial stage of Cultural Revolution, emerged again due to Mao’s trust with “Never reverse the verdict”. After his political comeback, he made over-all rectification on the basis of Zhou’s “Criticize Ultra-Left Trend of Thought”, which made him regain control of his country from the tense situation out of “The Criticize Lin (Biao), and Criticize Confucius Campaign”. Mao saw that Deng's economic restructuring might negate the legacy of the Cultural Revolution, with Mao Yuanxin’s instigation, he triggered the movement to “counter the Right deviationist trend to reverse correct verdicts”. Taking a comprehensive survey of Mao’s political movements in his later years, it was his Cultural Revolution taken to extremes which caused “Criticize Zhou” and ”Criticize Deng”. Mao wasn’t willing to leave the country defeated, in political turmoil. But when it comes to the conflict between economical construction and Cultural Revolution, he would hang tough on his standpoint of Cultural Revolution without the least hesitation. The Cultural Revolution from 1972 to 1976 was totally a catastrophe on economic and cultural stagnation and even retrogression, and all Chinese people have suffered different degrees of this misfortune. |