桃園國際機場第一航廈改善計畫,自民國93年9月即委託日本團紀彥建築設計事務所進行規劃設計,歷經3年後才由行政院核准本計畫,直到民國98年底工程發包後才開始進行建築實體改建,此時第一航廈主體因老舊情形加劇,致國際機場協會(ACI)評比逐年下滑,以2011年排名第29名為最差,影響國際形象甚劇。 第一航廈改善工程因在營運中進行改建,無法大面積封閉進行半半施工,除增加施工困難度外,為配合營運,工程變更設計多次,導致一再上修計畫經費和延展工期。在施工中發生數起影響營運事件(例如管線漏水、粉塵、噪音、落石、圍籬倒塌、工安事件等),引起媒體關注,同時造成國際機場形象受損。 本研究係回顧桃園機場第一航廈改善工程,自計畫形成至開放啟用期間,所發生主要問題歸納為六大面向,包括政策面、規劃面、法規面、設計面、執行面、技術面作逐項分析,並參考相關文獻,提出解決對策,以深度訪談結果加以驗證。期望本研究可提供未來大型公共建築物在營運中進行整建時之決策者參考,以提升公共工程整體的執行效能。 Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 1 improvement plan had been consigned to Japan delegate Ji Yan architect for planning design since September , 2004.The design plan took 3 years for approval. Terminal 1 started to reconstruct from 2009. In the meantime , the aged main building became severer. According to Airports Council International ( ACI ) evaluation , Taoyuan aiport’s ranking declines annually and is ranked the worst at No.29th in 2011 which affecting its international image negatively. Terminal 1 ‘s reconstruction is still on process presently. Since the process is unable to enclose the whole area , the reconstruction can only cover small part step by step. However , it causes several construction events (such as leaking , falling rocks , fences collapse , etc.), attracting media attention and causing damage to the image of the international airport. The study reviews the Taoyuan airport terminal 1 improvement project that the main issues are summed up in policy , planning , regulation, design, implementation, and technical for analysis , with reference to the relevant documentation and preventive strategies. A result from depth interview can be verified. Expecting this study can provide to decision maker as a reference for future major infrastructure in order to enhance the overall effectiveness of public construction operation.