我們結合Alq3與PPV型高分子而合成出兼具電子傳輸性質及發光性質之高分子材料P1及P2,其單體在喹啉的5號位置相接,相鄰喹啉不共平面,故限制發色團為各個單體。我們還引入聯苯單元,利用其兩個苯環不共平面之特性來縮短共軛長度,而使螢光產生藍位移。此外我們調整P2之單體,分別結合2號位置或4號位置取代之喹啉及4,4'位置或3,3'位置取代之聯苯而合成一系列小分子藍光材料Q1~Q4。我們測量P1、P2及Q1~Q4之熱穩定性質、光學性質、電化學性質並分別以旋轉塗佈法與真空蒸鍍法製作成元件。高分子元件以使用P1製作ITO/PEDOT/PVK/P1/Ca/Al之雙層元件所得效率最佳,電壓為15伏特時得最大亮度360 cd/m2,光色為藍綠色。而小分子材料中以Q1效率最佳,以真空蒸鍍法製作ITO/NPB/Q1/LIF/Al元件在電壓為9.5伏特時,最大亮度為2249 cd/m2,其光色接近純藍的。若增加一層Alq3最大亮度可達11257 cd/m2,但光色受Alq3影響而偏綠。最後再與本實驗室先前合成之紅光材料搭配製作白光元件,當電壓15伏特時可得最大亮度940 cd/m2,光色接近白光。 PPV-type polymers P1 and P2 containing quinoline moiety are synthesized. The adjacent monomeric units of P1 and P2 were connected at the C5 position of quinoline and were twisted out of planarity, so the π-conjugation was confined within each monomer unit. A biphenyl unit was introduced in order to improve the film morphology. A series of non-polymer materials Q1、Q2、Q3、and Q4 were also prepared. Their chemical stability, luminescence, electrochemical properties of these materials were analyzed, and they were fabricated into LED devices. The device ITO/PEDOT/PVK/P1/Ca/Al fabricated by spin coating reached a maximal brightness of 360 cd/m2 at 15 V. The device ITO/NPB/Q1/LiF/Al fabricated by vacuum deposition emitted blue light, which reached a maximal brightness of 2249 cd/m2 at 9.5 V. Adding a layer of Alq3 increased the intensity to 11257 cd/m2, but changed the color to blue-green. A combination of Q1 with a red material produced a device which emitted white-light. It reached a maximal brightness of 940 cd/m2 at 15 V.