摘要: | 陳柱是民國初年的重要學者,其《公羊家哲學》一書共計有十六篇章,統合各篇章旨,筆者歸結本書大致呈顯出了三個基本論題:私人倫理觀、政治倫理觀及經權倫理原則。由於陳柱身處西學浪潮狂襲中國、傳統儒學備受考驗的年代,為了鞏固儒家經說的價值及地位,其《公羊家哲學》一書,不僅針對傳統《公羊》學的諸多命題進行具體的討論,更有許多作者有感時事而生發的新說,諸如「平等」、「革命」、「崇讓」等論述。他一方面援引《春秋》、《公羊傳》、董仲舒、何休、孔廣森等人之舊說,另一方面又嘗試為傳統儒學注入切合時代潮流的倫理觀念,賦予了傳統儒學新的生命力,使得該書具有相當鮮明的時代色彩。因此,《公羊家哲學》並不可純粹視之為一部解經或解傳之書,其內容更具體展現了陳柱在承繼國學的基本立場上,如何轉化舊說融入新說的思想內涵。另外,陳柱對於近代諸如皮錫瑞、康有為、廖平等《公羊》大家之論調的刻意取舍,亦可見其《公羊》思想的時代特殊性,此亦為本文討論的重點之一。 Chen-Zhu is an important scholar in the early Republic of China. There are sixteen chapters in his Kung-yang Philosophy. This study proposes to analyze three basic arguments mentioned in the book—individual ethics, political ethics, and the principles of expediency ethic. Since Chen-Zhu lived in the time when China was deeply affected by western culture and traditional Confucianism was greatly challenged, Kung-yang Philosophy aims to consolidate the core values of Confucianism by investigating many in-depth topics of the traditional Kung-yang theories. In addition, inspired by current trends, Chen also generates new insights in this book, such as equality, revolution, and courtliness. Meanwhile, he not only refers to Chinese classics, such as Chun-Chiou and Kung-yang Zhuan, as well as the traditional theories proposed by Tung Chung-Shu, Ho-Sho, and Kung Guang-Sen, but also adds novel ethical viewpoints which echo the current trend of Confucianism. Chen, through his masterpiece, revitalizes traditional Confucianism, making this book full of distinctive features of the current era. Hence, Kung-yang Philosophy is by no means a mere reference book of the Chinese classics it epitomizes how Chen, after incorporating the essential values of traditional Chinese studies, transforms an old theory into a new one. Last but not least, this study also aims to present Chen's unique viewpoints of Kung-yang theory by analyzing how Chan deliberately discards the arguments of Pi Si-Ray, Kang Yo-Wei, and Liaw Ping. |