本研究採用訪談法,調查2012學年度桃園縣57所公立國中表演藝術教學現況,以描述性統計方式進行分析。本研究目的如下:一、統計桃園縣國中戲劇教育之教學資源。二、探討桃園縣國中戲劇教育之教學困境。三、探究戲曲教學在國中戲劇課程實施的可能性。研究結果發現: 一、教學資源方面 1、上課時會干擾一般教學區,表演藝術專科教室有其存在之必要。 2、藝文教科書未購、回收、自編比例增加,教師未必照課本上課。 3、與表演藝術團體有關的社區資源未被大量運用。 4、表演藝術任課教師以配課居多,配課率達52.35%。 二、教學困境方面 1、配課教師參與表演藝術研習、進修的意願低落。 2、研習課程的需求方向為「教學演示」與「教材研發」。 3、教師自信不足,又未充分信任學生能力,降低期望值。 4、家長不重視,連帶影響學生的學習意願與態度。 三、戲曲教學方面 1、因大家不懂傳統戲曲而窒礙難行。 The purpose of the study aims to investigate the present state of performingarts instruction in 57 public junior high schools in 2012 by conducting the interview surveys, and the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The topics examined in the stydy are as follows: Ⅰ. the equipment and supplies of performing arts instruction Ⅱ. the perplexities of performing arts instruction Ⅲ. the feasibility pedagagy of Chinese traditional opera in performing arts instruction. The results of the study are summarized as follow: Ⅰ. The equipment and supplies of performing arts instruction (Ⅰ)It is necessary to have performing arts classroom to lessen the interference in school.(Ⅱ)It is not necessary to buy or to use performing arts textbooks while teaching.(Ⅲ)It doesn’t make a world of use of performing arts fellows.(Ⅳ)Teachers without majored in performing arts are accounted for 52.35% among the total performing arts teachers. Ⅱ. The perplexities of performing arts instruction (Ⅰ)Teachers are not eager to upgrade their performing arts teaching skills.(Ⅱ)Teachers demand “ the feasibility matters” and “the pedagagy of demonstrating” for teaching.(Ⅲ)Teachers don’t give credit to the capability of students and themselves.(Ⅳ)The parents place importance on advancing to a higher school, so do the students. Ⅲ. The feasibility pedagagy of traditional opera in performing arts instruction (Ⅰ)Without understanding, without teaching.