In this study, I investigate PS-b-P4VP thin films spin-coated on bare (SiOx/Si) and PS-grafted(PS-SiOx/Si) silicon substrates and observe the relationship between film instability and internal nanostructures during solvent annealing in THF solvent vapor. The first experiment is to study the substrate effect. The hydrophilic of bare silicon substrates preferentially adsorbs P4VP segments in the annealing process, causing block copolymer chains to form a wetting layer at the substrate interface. At early stages, micellar movement is restricted by the anchoring effect, which induced slow fusion process. Hence, the film did not rupture. Compared to micellar films on polar substrates, fusion of PS-b-P4VP micelles on the PS-grafted substrate occurs quickly upon solvent annealing. This is because the PS-grafted brush layer obstructs the attractive interaction between SiOx/Si and P4VP chains. Furthermore, micellar fusion leads to micro-sized holes in the film. Because of the formation of holes, there exists pressure difference(Laplace pressure)between holes and their surrounding areas. In order to reduce the surface free energy, the holes grew by merging with their neighboring analog. At intermediate stages of solvent annealing, terraced structures start to form whereas at final stages droplets form. The driving force for film instability on PS-SiOx/Si is the auto phobic behavior between PS segments within micelles and the PS-grafted substrate. In addition, we find different molecular weights of PS segments between symmetric and asymmetric PS-b-P4VP induced different surface characterizations upon solvent annealing. Dewetting behavior of asymmetric PS-b-P4VP thin films is more serious than that of symmetric PS-b-P4VP ones. The last section, I attempt to improve the film instability of PS-b-P4VP by blending PS homopolymers of various molar masses.