本論文針對傳統合成孔徑雷達檢測地表移動目標物的方法:相位偏置天線(Displaced Phase Centre Antenna, DPCA)技術以及沿軌干涉(Along-Track -Interferometry, ATI)技術進行改進,提出利用單發多收的合成孔徑雷達系統檢測地表移動目標物的方法。 首先利用相位偏置天線技術相除背景雜波,凸顯移動目標物資訊;再由沿軌干涉處理,定位移動目標物。此一結合相位偏置天線技術與沿軌干涉原理的檢測方法,能夠檢測到採用傳統相位偏置天線處理時,由於訊號對消過大而無法檢測到的弱目標;而與一般的沿軌干涉處理相比,除了目標物的速度資訊外,能夠進一步獲得移動目標物的位置資訊。 此方法在進行估算的過程中,與傳統相比,大大減少近似的求解程序,由模擬的研究成果可證明,結合相位偏置天線技術與沿軌干涉原理,對地表移動目標物有良好的檢測潛能。 In this thesis, we propose a single-input multi–output (SIMO) scheme to improve the performance of conventional ground-moving target indicator based on Displaced Phase Centre Antenna (DPCA) technique and Along-Track Interferometry (ATI). The Displaced Phase Centre Antenna method is firstly applied to remove the undesired clutter and to enhance the signal to noise ratio from a moving target, followed by using along-track Interferometry to determine target’s position. In so doing, the method combining these two techniques offers a significant improvement of detecting targets that are embedded in weak returned signal background. Comparing to ATI processing along, both the target's velocity and position can be robustly estimated. Numerical simulations indicate that the proposed SIMO approach that combines DPCA technique and ATI theory bears a great potential to track the moving target by estimating its velocity and position.