先進電離層探測儀(Advanced Ionospheric Probe, AIP)為一太空酬載,功能為分析電離層電漿的特性,其中包含電子溫度、離子溫度、離子密度、離子徑向速度、離子成分、電漿的入射角。利用帶電粒子的電性去篩選不同能量的粒子,藉此來控制接收到的粒子種類與特性。由於AIP採用圓形的入孔板與華衛一號電離層電漿電動效應儀離子漂移計(Ion Drift Meter, IDM)的方形開口板不同,因此電漿入射角度的計算方式也必須配合電漿流入至接收板的投影面積變化來作推導。同時為了確保AIP在量測與訊號溝通上能夠正常運作,必須在地面先為酬載進行各種測試。而電流注入裝置(Stimulation Unit, SU)則為其中一項地面功能測試裝置,模仿可能流入AIP收集板的電流,從輸入與輸出的資料便能得到校正結果。SU的系統架構包含訊號產生器、電路板、鋁製保護蓋以及六根探針。從訊號產生器輸出的電壓訊號,透過Sub-Miniature version A接頭連接至電路板與探針。透過電路板上的電路,將電壓訊號轉為電流訊號。電流訊號再藉由探針進入AIP的收集板,來達到供應模擬電流的目的。 Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is a science payload, and it is used to estimate the plasma properties. The AIP contain three operating modes, with different sampling rate, and four submodes, to detect different properties. To increase the reliability of payloads, it’s necessary to be calibrated and perform experiments on the ground. A device called stimulation unit is used as a signal generator to test receiving efficiency of collectors on payload. Designing a stimulation unit for the AIP with functions of signal generators and aperture protector is identified in this thesis. For the submode, Ion Drift Meter, its design is not like the drift meters of Ionospheric Plasma Electrodynamics Instrument (IPEI) onboard ROCSAT-1 satellite with a square aperture. The shape of AIP sensor aperture is a circle and will cause a new method to determine the incident angle of plasma. To derive and verify the method will also be discussed in this thesis.