本篇論文的研究目標是計算多層膜中空光波導的慢光(Slow light)現象。多層膜結構是由週期性排列的介電材料組合而成,目的在使部分頻段的入射光無法穿透,亦即光無法存在於光子晶體之禁止頻帶。我們在多層膜結構中設計一缺陷通道,使原本的禁止帶中產生可在此通道內傳遞的頻寬。我們計算可在此缺陷通道中傳遞的光的群速度,並改變不同的結構參數,如多層膜的膜厚比、材料的折射率比及極化方向等,觀察何種結構組合最能有效減慢光速。本論文最佳的結果可將光速減慢至1200 m/s。 The purpose of this work is to study the slow light phenomenon in a hollow waveguide formed by periodic layered dielectric materials. Light within the forbidden band gap is not allowed to propagate in the periodic layered structure. An air channel is built in the medium where the light becomes allowed to transmit through this channel. The group velocity(vg) can be obtained by calculating the slope of the allowed band in the band structure. We change different parameters of structure such as the thickness of multilayer films and refractive index of material to study the group velocity of the structures. The minimum velocity of 1200m/s can be obtained.