本研究主要研究目的在於,從自由時報電子報、聯合報、大紀元及台灣立報四大電子報了解各界對陸生來台就學的看法,並觀察陸生來台就學對我國的影響。本研究採用內容分析法,分析類目為政治、法律、社會及教育層面,分析對象為產業界、政府、學界、政治人物、學生及家長和其他等,從中發現各界關注的事項。研究發現:(1)四大電子報在關鍵字與各界人士關注焦點的差異態度,可以發現陸生來台議題的不同面向。(2)陸生來台就學政策演變過程,教育部發布陸生政策中的三限六不議題時,成為各界討論的焦點。(3)陸生來台就學涉及到政治和意識型態的考量,但若我國欲招收更多陸生來台就學,在執行層面須檢討和放寬相關限制,如提供陸生獎學金、研究助理及實習的機會,從影響我國較小的部分做起。 The purpose of this study was to analyze the concerns of〝Policy of Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan〞of all walks of life from the Liberty Times, the United Daily News, the Epoch Times and the Taiwan Lihpao databases. Content analysis was used in the research. The analysis categories were the Political level, Legal level, Education level and social level. The analysis character were the person of industry, government, academic, politicians, others and students and parents. Major findings were: (a) The different views of the issue of Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan can be found by keywords of the four newspaper databases and the different attitude of all walks of life.(b)During the evolution of the policy of Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan, the issue of three limits and six noes that Ministry of Education released often be focused.(c)The policy of Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan involved political and ideology. To recruit more mainland China students, it must examine the implementation of the policy and deregulation, such as providing scholarships, research assistant and internship opportunities that affect Taiwan little.