本文以音韻為主軸,實地到福建省上杭縣古田鎮進行上杭古田客家話的語言記錄。筆者採用歷時和共時比較法,說明上杭古田客家話的音韻現象。 本文共分成六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究方法和範圍、相關文獻、方言點及發音人簡介等;第二章為上杭古田客家話語音系統,依序說明方言點的聲韻調及連讀變調;第三章以《廣韻》為參照點,比較上杭古田客家話與中古音之間的演變;第四章為上杭古田客家話的語音特點,按聲韻調分別提出內部特點;第五章為上杭古田客家話與閩西七縣客家話的音韻比較,依聲韻調說明上杭古田客家話與閩西七縣客家話之間的異同;第六章為結論,歸納上杭古田客家話具有特別性的語音特點,並在最後作出檢討和建議。 This thesis deals with the phonology of Gutian township in Shanghang County, FujianProvince, China. Gutian dialect is a kind of Western Fujian Hakka. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that consists of the motive and objective, methodology, literature review, and facts and figures about theShanghang County. The second chapter focuses on the phonology of Gutian Hakka dialect,including initials, finals, tones and tone sandhi phenomena. We will show in the third chapter the correspondences between Gutian dialect and the Middle Chinese classificatory system. In chapter four we put the emphasis on the characteristics of Gutian Hakka phonology. Chapter five offers a phonological comparison between Gutian and seven other Western Fujian Hakka dialects (Ninghua, Qingliu, Liancheng, Changting, Yongding, Wuping, and Shanghang). Chapter six is the conclusion.