摘要: | 摘要 坤甸位於加里曼丹島的西加里曼丹省,亦是西加首府。此地的居民大都來自大陸原鄉地區的客家人,所操持的語言腔調為近似原鄉梅縣的坤甸客家話。因與當地原居民長期的語言接觸、文化互動頻繁,也受到英屬東印度群島的殖民統治影響,坤甸客家話逐漸形成其獨特的詞彙混用和音韻現象。本論文以來台短暫停留的坤甸地區客家人為調查研究對象,探討坤甸客家話的特殊音韻詞彙現象。 本論文共分六個章節,第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究內容與方法、文獻探討、歷史源流概述。第二章介紹坤甸客家話的語音系統。第三章、第四章是坤甸客家話歷時和共時的音韻比較,內容分別就聲母、韻母、聲調部份作探討。了解坤甸客家話的語音演變及發展,並與其他客家次方言作共時比較以歸納出坤甸客家話的語音特點。第五章探討坤甸客家話的特殊詞彙。語言因歷史變遷與長期使用而產生詞彙消長、融合、改變及創新。第六章為結論。綜而觀之,坤甸客家話不僅存古,還有創新。在聲母方面,坤甸客家話精莊、知章分流,保留存古的讀音;受印尼語影響,出現雙唇濁塞音b-聲母;出現舌尖面濁擦音-聲母。在韻母方面,止攝合口三等讀ui,舌尖音-i正在轉變成-的起步階段。見組字牙音後韻母-u介音脫落而為開口化。詞彙方面,坤甸客家話因語言接觸影響而產生借用、融合、創新。 Abstract Pontianak, located in West Kalimantan Province(Kalimantan Barat),Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, which is the business metropolis of Kalimantan Barat. Most of the residents were the immigrants from Meisien, Cantonese Province in Mainland China. Due to long-term language contact with the aboriginal languages and culture in Indonesia, and the influence by Dutch during the colonial era, Pontianak Hakka possesses some peculiar phonetic phenomenon and vocabulary. The research focuses on the people living in Pontianak and nearby. The thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter One is the introduction, which includes the motive and purpose of the research, reach method, literature review, historical and linguistic background. Chapter Two deals with the phonology of Pontianak Hakka. Chapter Three and Chapter Four focus on the diachronic and synchronic comparison. At first, using Middle Chinese as a reference point, we analyze the characteristics of initials, finals, and tones of Pontianak Hakka and its historical development. Secondly, we will compare Pontianak Hakka with other Hakka dialects in China and Taiwan in order to sum up the phonetic characteristic .Chapter Five introduces the special vocabulary. As languages develop, the meanings of words can change all the time. And the words disappear, blend, change and innovate. Chapter Six is the conclusion. In common, the phonetic and vocabulary of Pontianak Hakka are stored anciently and innovation,too. In a word, Pontianak Hakka, the consonant is influenced by the Indonesian and producing /b/ consonant some words bring about the apical voiced fricative -. The vowel from /i/ to // is changing, labial /ui/ is still kept anciently. The word suffix has three forms--/e/、/tsi/ and zero-suffix. The vowel coda /u/ disappears in glottal. Because of the influence of contact, more loadwords (borrowings), blend and innovation occur in Pontianak Hakka vocabulary.Keyword:Pontianak, Pontianak Hakka, phonetic comparison, vocabulary comparison, language contact |