我們利用UKST的Hα巡天計劃之影像資料庫,來尋找具有發射線的星球。研究的目標是豺狼座恆星形成區,為距離地球最近的恆星形成區之一。我們分析了一個視野大小為30 x 30角分的影像,此影像的中心為豺狼3分子雲中的兩顆赫比Ae星,找出了46顆具Hα發射線之傳統金牛座T型星候選者,其中22顆為新發現的。這22顆中的其中7顆星的2MASS近紅外顏色與傳統金牛座T型星相符。一旦光譜觀測能確定這些候選星為新發現的傳統金牛座T型星,它們將增加該區域的年輕恆星數量,並提供研究該分子雲恆星形成歷史的基本樣本。 We report a pilot study to identify emission-line stars by use of the image database of the hydrogen-alpha survey by the United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope. The Lupus dark clouds are among the nearest star-forming regions. We analyzed a 30’ x 30’ field of the UK Schmidt Hα images centered around the 2 Herbig Ae stars of the Lupus 3 cloud. A list of 46 candidate T Tauri stars have been identified, among which 22 are new identifications. Seven out of these 22 Hα stars have 2MASS infrared colors consistent with being classical T Tauri stars. Once the candidates are spectroscopically confirmed, these stars will add to the young stellar sample in the region to study the star formation process in the molecular cloud.