現在Internet of Things(IOT)上已有不少的應用,近年來也有SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) 觀念與IOT結合的趨勢。隨著科技的進步,使得小型裝置的運算能力大幅躍進,進而出現了Internet of Things的概念,希望將現實世界中所有的實體物件(Object)或是實體物體(Thing),都與網際網路進行連接,而且彼此之間可以互相溝通,進而互相合作完成一件共同的任務。然而,現今IOT應用系統發展領域面臨了幾項問題:i、當感測器(Sensor)數量上升時,如何處理感測器之間的互相溝通;ii、如何整合感測器與伺服器之間的互相溝通;iii、如何在異質性伺服器溝通之間提供一個溝通的平台?在本研究中,我們採用了BPEL( Business Process Execution Language) 來做為我們IOT Middleware的核心,和Apache ODE作分析與比較後,並且針對IOT環境中各種不同的需求,規劃BPEL引擎的擴充機制,讓未來IOT開發者可以透過IOT Middleware中的BPEL引擎快速的串接各種不同的伺服器以及IOT Adapter,並且通過BPEL文件描述來達到長時程程序。 here are many applications on Internet of Thing(IOT). Recently, there are a trend which SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) concept combined with IOT. However, IOT application development faces several problems. One, when the sensor increase in the number, how to handle the communication between sensors? Second, how to integrate the communication between sensors and servers? Final, how to provide a communication platform that heterogeneous servers can communicate to each other on? In this research, services need a middleware to interact other services and sensors for different IOT requirements. In the middleware, we use the extended BPEL engine which is developed by SE lab as the core of the middleware, and extend current BPEL engine to match IOT requirements.