由於現在多媒體影音設備的推陳出新,對於影像品質的需求也不斷增加,目前仍為主流的視訊壓縮標準H.264/AVC已不敷使用,新一代的視訊壓縮標準HEVC已逐漸崛起。HEVC雖然擁有更佳的編碼效能及壓縮率,但比起以往的視訊壓縮標準,其編碼複雜度同時也增加了不少,因此本篇論文提出HEVC快速畫面間預測模式決策演算法,利用零區塊個數及分佈情形,在CU/PU中提前偵測區塊模式機率分佈,來簡化其區塊模式,以及在TU中提前偵測區塊大小機率分佈來簡化其區塊運算複雜度,最後再結合CU/PU和TU之快速區塊決策演算法,來達到加速編碼時間之目的。從實驗結果顯示,我們所提出的演算法可使整體編碼時間平均節省了62.22%,且影像品質失真範圍在可接受的範圍內。 Multimedia devices are weeding out the old and bringing forth the new constantly, so the demand for image quality are increasing. The common used video compression standard H.264/AVC was inadequate, a new generation of video compression standard HEVC is substantially improving H.264. HEVC has improved video quality and compression ratio, but the coding complexity also increases a lot. In this thesis, we proposed a fast inter-mode decision algorithm for HEVC, we utilize the number of zero-blocks and distribution in CU / PU to simplify the mode by detecting the probability distribution mode earlier, and to simplify the computational complexity by detecting TU size probability distributions. Finally, we combine two algorithms to achieve the purpose of accelerating the encoding procedure. According to the experimental results, our proposed algorithm can achieve 62.22% of time saving on average while maintaining coding performance.