近年來,無線網路的發展及智慧型手機的潮流,讓傳統手機產業有巨大的變化,智慧型手機帶來了更多方便性,也讓時下年輕人對於智慧型手機的依賴性越來越高,而原因是智慧型手機的多樣化功能,以及觸控式螢幕的設計,讓現代人可以使用手機消磨時間、修改文件或是收發郵件…等諸多功能。但是伴隨著使用者的需求,硬體的要求越來越高,而且價格也越來越高。針對不同族群所開發出的應用程式及內建工具,也依各廠的產品有所差異,使得老人或特殊情況的小孩要花上一段長時間的學習。除此之外,智慧型手機的作業系統也各有千秋,如:iOS或Android。由於作業系統的差異,也使得兩大族群在使用不同手機時,會有不適應的情況。 因此,針對以上的缺點,功能型手機(傳統型手機)的開發也越來越重要。功能型手機可以降低成本、提供使用者足夠的功能以及單一化的系統操作。並且搭載過去功能型手機所沒有的無線網路功能及觸控介面。這樣的改變,可以針對低消費族群,開發出價格較智慧型手機便宜並且功能足夠滿足該族群的新一代功能型手機。我們針對功能型手機所欠缺之Wi-Fi功能為目標,使用成本較低之SPI硬體介面。並且將此介面之支援移植到嵌入式Wi-Fi,以達到軟體重用之目標。 Recent years, the development of wireless network and the trend of Smart Phone make the huge revolution in the traditional market of phone. The convenience of Smart Phone make the modern young man has the higher dependency. The reason is the Smart Phone has a lot of diverse functions and the design of touch-panel screen. For example, people can use phone to waste time, modify the document or send/receive the E-Mail…etc. According to the requirement of user, the demands for hardware become higher and the price is also become higher. The applications and built-in tools designed for groups differ from the products of each company. The different product will make the elders and specific children spend more time to learn how to use. In addition, the operation system of Smart Phone has the big differences, such as iOS and Android. Due to the discrepancy of the operation system, the iOS and Android users need to spend some time to adapt to other system. Therefore, for the shortcoming, it is more and more important to develop the Feature Phone. We can decrease the prime cost of Feature Phone, provide users with the sufficient functions and with single operation. Moreover, the Feature Phone will have the capability of Wi-Fi and the touch screen. For the low-cost groups, we can develop the low price and satisfy them with new Feature Phone. Our goal is to develop the Feature Phone with low-cost SPI-based Wi-Fi interface and port it to the Embedded Wi-Fi.