隨著各類行動裝置與行動網路應用之興起,各種相關服務也相繼出現且日漸被使用者所習慣。當網路與手機結合後,讓原本就已經打破過去大眾概念的個人化服務,更加受到重視,適地性服務也因此成為焦點。適地性服務整合 GPS 定位、行動通信和導航等多種技術,提供與空間位置相關服務的綜合應用。一開始用來做為緊急救援及企業外勤人員的控管,如今已拓展到生活層面的應用範疇,如社群、娛樂、餐飲、購物,都可以透過這樣的技術,精準掌握消費者的位置,進而提供最近距離的服務,因此相當具有商業開發潛力。而在路徑規劃、導引服務即是其中相當重要之一,從最初的電子地圖瀏覽,到基本路徑規劃,以至於到能夠根據使用者所在位置與需求,提供更精緻、實用的資訊。然而,真實環境中,相關的資訊往往是很複雜、充滿變化的,因此如何有效取得並加以應用遂成為一項重要議題。本研究提出一種基於群體智慧的都會區運輸系統路徑規劃演算法,透過使用者之行動回報周邊相關資訊,經過適當計算,用於路徑規劃參考之用。透過模擬實驗得知,本研究提出之演算法有能力找出合適之路徑,且具有低時間複雜度之特性。本研究之演算法亦有實作為分散式資料來源之空間,對於規畫更方便、實用的運輸系統導引機制,或是解決都會區交通與所衍生之汙染問題,具有參考價值。 As mobile devices and mobile networks have become popular recent years, many related applications have also been developed. Electronic maps, route planning or navigation is one of the major applications. Since the traffic and pollution become important problems in huge urban area, the role of electronic map services also become more important. The basic idea is treat the map as a network model with nodes and edges. However, the network of real road in cities is much more complicated, to make the routing algorithm accurate and useful is an interesting issue. We proposed a routing scheme based on best-first approach and swarm intelligent approach for urban area. This scheme hire the users with mobile devices as agents, each agent would sense the route condition and report. Then, the server side would collect the reported data and calculate the parameters for routing. The simulation results showed that our scheme may give a good routing suggest while the time complexity is efficient. The proposed scheme may also implement in distributed system. With the proposed scheme, the routing and navigation services may become more refined. We hope this may help developing better guidance tools or the navigation tools for disabled users.