摘要: | 現今電子元件大多邁入輕、薄、短、小的時代,而單晶矽材料因其具有相當良好的機械與化學性質故相當廣泛應用於3C、MEMS及微電子元件的製作但其硬、脆的特性很難利用傳統加工法加工,現今加工法大多使用高強酸鹼電解液,如氫氟酸、氟化氨等溶液來加工,再加上其為半導體的特性,在電鍍製程上也具有相當高的難度,目前研究大多以填充通孔或盲孔加工為主,故本研究提出了以電化學放電加工的方式加工出微孔其電解液以氫氧化鈉主,能大大降低對環境的危害,並以方錐螺旋電極的方式取代一般傳統的螺旋電極,其兩側平面能形成穩定氣膜,獲得均勻的放電火花;螺旋面能增加電解液的循環且改善其加工屑排出的方式,並配合脈衝電壓,最後我們以脈衝週期50%、電極轉速800-900rpm、加工電壓15V、電解液濃度3M的加工條件下,成功在單晶矽上加工出直徑約為210μm之單晶矽微孔,並利用此電化學放電加工機制所做出之微孔,我們更將其導入一同軸電鍍裝置,也就是在微孔製成後,更換電極極性,由電解裝置改為電鍍裝置,並將電極深入通孔後,在經過無電鍍製程,於試片上產生種晶層後實施硫酸銅電鍍製程,實驗結果證明其電極旋轉能有效的增加電鍍液的循環且其因旋轉所形成之側向力能把銅離子導入放電坑內部,而通電之電極更能增加孔內之電場效應,大大的減少電鍍時間,最後我們在加工電壓0.3V、電極轉速100-200rpm、脈衝週期50%的加工條件下,成功的製作出一均勻且平坦的中空孔鍍層。 We propose a new way that combined micro chemical electro discharge machining and plating on silicon wafer which can machining a hollow plating layer. In tradition micro hole machining on Si wafer , there are almost using the strong acid or alkali, which is harm for the environment and the operator, but in our way, we replaced by strong acid with sodium hydroxide, it is not only we success to machining a micro hole on Si wafer but also it is more friendly to the environment and operator. In micro electrochemical discharge machining, we propose a new electrode that we called square helical drill tool. Square helical drill tool electrode is fabricated by wire electrical discharge grinding. Shape feature of its parallel surface on both sides, can reduce the side discharge phenomenon and the helical surface to increase the electrolyte circulation, which can effectively improve machining efficiency and accuracy. In tradition plating hole on Si wafer, there are almost to fill the thong hole or blind hole, there are no paper is about the hollow plating hole, it is harm for the solar because it's difficult to radiating and to discharge the steam because it's always been long time in the sun and rain. In our study, we propose a new way that plating a hollow plating layer in micro hole on Si wafer, the micro hole which is after palladium activation, we put the electrode into the hole and make it roation and electrify, final we use the process condition, the working voltage 0.3V, electrode spin 100rpm and duty factor 50%, we success to machining a uniform and flat hollow plating layer in micro hole on Si wafer. |