摘要: | 國內建築工程及營造工作是屬於重大職業災害風險發生率較高的行業,從企業安全衛生管理嚴謹程度及職業災害發生率,可以了解企業對於管理制度及對員工生命、工作環境尊重程度,任何工安事故發生,原因主要在施工環境安全設施不良、承包商施工管理不慎或設計圖面不夠完整等問題,大多數的承攬施工單位因業主要求工程施工進度及品質,趕工而疏忽營造施工安全管理問題,導致職業災害發生機率較一般行業為高。 營造業在同一時間及地點工種類型多樣化、地形環境多變化,勞工在工地工作時風險相對於其他行業高出許多,經常發生職業災害,造成財產損失,根據行政院勞工委員會統計顯示,民國90至100年間營造業職災死亡人數1,560人佔全產業職災死亡人數8,179人之19%,100年度重大職災件數統計全產業死亡人數319人,營造業有91人仍高居全產業之冠佔29%。 本研究採用營造業職業安全衛生管理系統COSHMS,比較分析國外營造業相關職業安全衛生管理模式,以PDCA方法文件化,從先期審查、政策擬定、目標設定、能力訓練、危害風險辨識,進行工地稽核及改善工地安全衛生,讓工地環境安全衛生設施符合法令要求,使工地內部安全衛生管理程序有所依循。 本研究探討航太產業廠房營造施工過程,以勞委會公佈之營造業職業安全衛生管理系統COSHMS為基準,建立規劃安全衛生管理系統,在建廠過程實地稽核,將工安稽核缺失以魚骨圖及8D問題改善分析,確認工地工安缺失的真正原因,提供相關產業建廠參考,協助事業單位瞭解COSHMS建置程序,以降低營造工地工安風險發生率。 Because of the inherent physical hazards of construction projects, construction is the most dangerous occupation. For instance, between 2001 and 2011 in Taiwan, 1,560 fatal accidents occurred at construction sites, approximately 20% of the total fatalities of all industries during the same period. The global construction industry faces similar problems. The most common root cause contributing to this phenomenon is the fact that the construction industry strives to complete projects on time and within budget. Large construction companies usually employ a pool of subcontractors purely based on cost consideration. There is only limited emphasis on subcontractors’occupational safety and health performances. With the increasing acceptance of a system’s approach toward occupational safety and health management, a number of countries started to promulgate management guidelines targeting the construction industry in recent years. The Council of Labor Affair’s guidelines for construction occupational safety and health management system, issuedin 2011, are equivalent to those promulgated in 2007 for general industries. The Construction Occupational Safety and Health Management System, COSHMS, requires the construction site owner, or project rendering organization, with employers, employees of the construction company and its subcontractors to jointly develop and implement the appropriate management system arrangements, processes, and practices. This research, conducted from the perspective of the site owner, aims to study the implementation issues of COSHMS. Audit results, performed by the site owner, are analyzed using the Fish-bone and the Eight Discipline Problem Solving techniques. Recommendations for effective COSHMS implementation are also proposed. It is hoped that this study can contribute to improved occupation safety and health management of construction projects. |