本研究採用加速鋰離子傳輸技術(Accelerated Lithium Migration Technique, ALMT),對具有鹼質與粒料反應潛勢的混凝土試體施加電場,將對鹼–矽反應(ASR)有抑制效的鋰離子送入混凝土,同時將試體內會誘發ASR的鈉及鉀離子移除。 本研究進行的ALMT試驗施加60 V定電壓,分別以氫氧化鋰及飽和氫氧化鈣溶液作為陽極與陰極槽電解液,試驗改變的參數包括混凝土試體的粒料體積比例、水灰比及試體長度,藉監測陰極電解液內的鋰、鈉及鉀離子的濃度與累積電荷量關係,分析試體長度(電極間距)對離子傳輸的影響,以及傳輸的效能。當混凝土水灰比愈大,愈有利於離子傳輸,移出完成時間愈快,所耗費之電能愈低。當混凝土長度越長,其初始電流越小,離子傳輸越差,其系統阻抗會隨時間增加。當水灰比固定,施加定電壓60 V,8 cm試體受熱效應及表面碳酸鈣沉澱之影響,因此離子傳輸效能比長度16 cm之試體差;不同長度進行通電時,當水灰比為0.58及0.68,試體長度為24 cm以下,皆有較佳的離子傳輸,且移出之鹼含量皆達80 %以上,且ALMT試驗後,其內部鋰/(鈉+鉀)莫耳比皆高於建議值0.74,因此,實務應用ALMT時,適合的電極間距為24 cm以下可達到抑制作用。 This research is apply Accelerated Lithium Migration Technique which use electrical drive lithium ions into concrete specimens and drive alkali out simultaneously ,the concrete specimens has alkali aggregate expansion reaction potential. The specimens undergo 60 V constant voltage during the ALMT testing process. The anolyte and catholyte solutions consisted of 1L 1N LiOH.H2O and saturated Ca(OH)2, respectively. This research parameter conditions of testing such as the aggregate/paste ratio of concretes, the w/c ratio and the distance of electrodes of testing to find the distance of electrodes appropriately by the migration of ions relating to cumulative power. And analyze the effect on specimen length (distance between electrodes) for ion transmission, and the transmission performance. The results show that the concrete has higher water/cement ratio, it is beneficial for the migration of ions, the time of alkali to be removed is faster and the electricity consumed lesser and the the system resistance increases during the testing. The specimen of 8 cm is unbeneficial for the migration of ions, because the heat effect and precipitation of calcium carbonate on surface. When the specimen length under the 24 cm, it is beneficial for the migration of ions, and out of the alkali content is more than 80 %, and the Li/(Na+K) molar ratio were higer than the recommend value of 0.74, it is the appropriate range of distance between electrodes.