近年來能源問題持續被重視,傳統化石燃料隨著不斷被開採不僅愈來愈少,價格攀升,後續造成的污染、溫室效應、乃至氣候異常現象愈來愈嚴重,更甚者,當資源減少到一定程度還可能引起戰爭造成慘重傷亡;幾年前日本311福島事件更引爆了一場廢核大戰,各種分析討論及抗議遊行不斷上演,除了核能安全問題之外,核廢料至今仍然沒有很好的處理方式,我們除了改變使用能源的習慣,減少不必要的浪費之外,替代能源的開發諸如太陽能、風力、地熱等等將有機會減緩能源枯竭的速度。台灣是天然資源匱乏的國家,在眾多的替代性能源中,太陽能對台灣相對較具發展優勢,若能以太陽能取代現有的煤、石油、天然氣、核能等不可再生能源,不僅可以大大改善環境污染,同時也是未來減少能源進口依賴,推動能源自主的關鍵。另外,太陽能電池生產技術與半導體產業製程技術相似,幾十年來台灣已建立了半導體產業的雄厚基礎,目前已有機會在全球太陽光電產業佔有一席之地。 本研究藉由市售之太陽能模組專用直流轉交流逆變器分析太陽能電池模組的特性,此逆變器可併網且具最大功率追蹤功能、直接輸入市電,搭配以LabView為基礎自行開發之監測程式、結合中央大學大氣系每日監測之氣象資料,進一步分析溫度和日照強度對太陽能電池發電效率的相對關係。 As the decreasing of energies such as fossil fuel, the energy price is getting higher herewith serious issues of pollution, the greenhouse effect, and climatic anomalies. On March, 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan injured thousands of people to increase the safety concern of nuclear. Besides, the treatment of nuclear waste is still a big problem. Renewable energies such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal power, are good solutions to substitute those non-renewable resources. For the lack of natural resources in Taiwan, the renewable resources are more important. Solar power is the best solution since it exits everywhere. The fabrication technology of solar cells is similar with the one of semiconductors, which is mutual in Taiwan. In this research, a mono-crystalline silicon photovoltaic system and a poly-crystalline silicon photovoltaic system were build to analyze their performances and connected to commercial DC-to-AC (D/A) inverters in real environment. These D/A inverters were developed with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) function. The AC power generated from the photovoltaic systems was transferred from DC powers to the on-grid system directly. A LabView program was developed to record the generated powers and the temperatures of solar modules. The final results were calculated including the data of solar irradiance provided by the Department of Atmospheric Science of National Central University. In the analysis we can understand the relationships between photovoltaic module temperature, solar irradiance, and efficiency.