近年來在環境檢測方面,科學家對於具有生物活性之微量藥物殘留在環境中的含量與流布之檢測,產生濃厚的興趣與關注,主要是由於這類殘留藥物對野生動物或水中魚類的生存產生極大的衝擊,透過食物鏈的途徑甚至可能會影響到人類的健康。這類殘留藥物主要包括止痛劑、脂質調節劑與抗生素等等。而本實驗將針對以下六種常見的藥物殘留物進行分析與研究:安妥明、卡巴氮平、二克氯吩鈉、異布洛芬、凱妥普洛芬與那普洛辛。 本研究的主要目的在發展一套快速、可靠、穩定的分析方法,研究這些藥物殘留物在國內水環境中的流布與含量,首先以液相層析質譜儀在不同的沖提流速下進行分離後,再搭配三種不同的游離源尋找最佳化的層析分離法與游離化條件,並且搭配良好的固相萃取法,可以達到濃縮與去干擾的目的。由實驗結果發現以LC沖提流速為0.2 ml/min,搭配ESI游離介面進行二次質譜法可得到較佳的感度,並且在最佳化的層析分離方法與游離條件之下,偵測極限可達到0.4~80 ng/L,檢量線r2值均大於0.994。並且搭配可靠的前處理方法對於民生廢污水與河流水樣進行檢測,檢測結果發現在民生廢污水與河流水樣當中皆可偵測到這六種藥物殘留物的存在,濃度最高可達963 ng/L,回收率為45~117%,RSD值均小於8.5%。 A method for the determination of selected pharmaceutical residues (clofibric acid, ibuprofen, carbamazepine, naproxen, ketoprofen and diclofenac) in various water samples was developed and validated. The contents of pharmaceutical residues in water samples were extracted by Oasis HLB solid-phase extraction (SPE). The analytes were then identified and quantitated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Three ionization techniques, electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), were tested, while ESI in negative and positive modes (for carbamazepine) proved to be the most sensitive ionization method. Limits of quantitation (LOQ) were established between 2.0 to 200 ng/L in 250 mL of water sample. Intrabatch and interbatch precision with their accuracy at two concentration levels were also investigated. The selected analytes were detected in concentrations from 24 to 963 ng/L in wastewater treatment plant effluent and river water samples.