因應實驗室開發的電離層中大氣暉光量測之衛星酬載,此酬載以光電倍增管為感測器,量測135.6nm與630nm大氣輝光。因此設計一平台以校準光電倍增管之敏感度。為了使平台能共重用,製作機構上卡槽抽換、VMIO人機介面平台與換氣系統設計。並且實驗平台實際的受背景光強度之影響與平台光源之穩定度,以確保平台可用性。之後建立出於630nm波長光下的光電倍增管計數值與光功率的關係。 In response to the lab activity, a payload is developed to observe airglow in ionosphere. Such payload uses photomultiplier as sensor to examine the airglow under the wavelength of 135.6nm and 630nm. Therefore, a platform is implemented to calibrate the sensitivity of photomultiplier. In order to increase the reusability of the platform, swappable card slot, VMIO human-computer interface, and ventilation system are also built into the device. A further experiment on the actual effect of intensity of ambient light as well as stability of platform light is then undertaken to ensure the usability of the platform. Hence, a relationship between the value of photomultiplier and the energy of the light under the wavelength of 630nm can be established.