由於微流體晶片具有降低成本、提升分析效率與可進行即時觀察等優點,對於生醫科技來說擁有相當大的發展潛力,因此近年來許多學者將微流體裝置應用到生醫領域方面的研究。本文設計製作一個微流體裝置,讓人類胎盤源多功能幹細胞在其系統區域內進行正常的生長與運動,而且此微流體晶片可以產生類似線性分佈的濃度梯度。此外藉由實驗來觀察人類胎盤源多功能幹細胞於第一型膠原蛋白濃度梯度分佈下其運動之行為,且膠原蛋白濃度梯度的初始範圍為0-3μM,根據實驗結果顯示在注入流率為1 μL/min下,人類胎盤源多功能幹細胞無法進行正常的生長與運動,至於注入流率為0.05 μL/min時,人類胎盤源多功能幹細胞能夠正常的生長並進行遷移的行為,但是並沒有明顯的化學趨向性反應。 Recently, microfluidic device has been applied to the biological and medical fields because of its huge potential for high throughput screening and advantages such as experiment cost down, increasing analysis efficiency and real time observation.This study aimed to create a microfluidic concentration generator for measuring the chemotactic migration of the placenta- derived multipotent cells (PDMCs) responding to type I collagen. The microfluidic device could generate linear-like concentration gradients by using cascade branches of micro-channels. The collagen solution was pumped in concentration generator at two flow rates of 1 μL/min and 0.05 μL/min respectively to establish the type I collagen gradients. The type I collagen concentration gradient ranged between 0 and 3.03 μM. According to the experimental results, the PDMCs scarcely migrated and were washed off by the flow at 1 μL/min. The PDMCs showed random walks when the flow rate was 0.05 μL/min. However, the PDMCs showed no directional migration in response to the collagen gradient. This might be because the concentration of 3μM had saturated the chemotactic behavior of the cells.