本研究選用鋁金屬作為電池負極材料,以離子液體作為電解質,探討鋁於離子液體中的反應可逆性、電化學行為與穩定性。研究使用四種離子液體,種類如下: EMICl-AlCl3 (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride/aluminum chloride)、Bu3MeNCl -AlCl3 (Tributyl-methylamine chloride/aluminum chloride)、BMP-DCA (1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium /dicyanmide) 添加AlCl3與 EMI-TFSI (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium/ bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide)添加AlCl3上層液。實驗結果發現鋁在EMICl-AlCl3離子液體中的反應可逆性與電化學行為最佳,經過兩千圈循環伏安掃描循環後,仍有95 % 的電流效率。顯示陽離子種類會影響鋁於離子液體中的電化學性質,而陰離子種類則會造成混合液是否分層,亦影響鋁於離子液體中的沉積行為。 後續研究選用釩氧化物作為正極材料主體,材料製程選用陽極沉積法與水熱法,於EMICl-AlCl3離子液體中進行電化學性質研究。實驗結果顯示Al2Cl7-離子在釩氧化物電極內沒有明顯的遷入遷出反應,原因在於Al2Cl7-離子的尺寸過大,電極材料需有特殊結構才能提供Al2Cl7-離子遷入遷出,需待後續進一步研究才能明瞭適用的電極結構。 In this study, we have investigated the electrochemical behavior of Aluminium in various ionic liquids (ILs). These ILs are EMICl-AlCl3 (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride/aluminum chloride), Bu3MeNCl -AlCl3 (Tributyl-methylamine chloride/aluminum chloride),BMP-DCA (1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium /dicyanmide) with AlCl3 additive and the upper layer solution of EMI-TFSI (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium/ bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide) with AlCl3 additive. We have known about Aluminium showed near 95 % retention efficiency after 2000 life cycles in the EMICl-AlCl3 ionic liquid. It is the best prefoimance in the four kinds of ionic liquids. In the following research, we choosed vanadium-oxide as the anode made by anodic deposition method and hydrothermal method. The result showed vanadium-oxide could not make Al2Cl7- ion insertion and deinsertion, which is the main species of Aluminium in EMICl-AlCl3 ionic liquid. The result means that the crstallography and categories of electrode materials have important influence on Al2Cl7- ion insertion and deinsertion.