研究期間:10108~10207;Like all geosciences, the multipoint and multi-instrument measurements are essential for the space science researches. Without multipoint and multi-instrument measurements, it will be difficult to distinguish the time variations from the spatial variations, and it will be difficult to identify the cause and result of an observed phenomena. To make a best use of these data sets, national institutions around the world have tried to build data centers or to provide friendly platforms to access these multipoint and multi-instrument observational data in the last ten years. The goal of this project is to build such a platform for the space science data obtained in Taiwan or collected by scientists in Taiwan in the last 30 or 40 years. So the valuable observational data will still be available to the public after the termination of an observational research project. We expect the platform will become a display window for a variety of observational research projects. The executing observational research projects can provide individual platform for each project to be connected with ours. The platform also welcomes any interesting observational research group to directly store their data available for users on our server. We expect to rebuild all the different space science data in databases to a unify data format “NetCDF” (network common data format).