研究期間:10108~10207;In the past, few geophysical and geological observations of the southern segment of the Central Range were reported due to extremely difficult accessibility. Therefore, the overall tectonic structure of the southern segment of the Central Range remains obscure and the subject of wide debate. The mountains in Taiwan formed as a result of the collision between an island arc system and the Asian continental margin are very young. Quite high seismicity, active deformation, rapid uplift and mountain building are taking place in and around Taiwan. It is interesting to note that the southern segment of the Central Range exhibits a persistent aseismic area. This lack of seismicity here must be an important parameter in the geodynamics of orogeny. To image 3-D subsurface structure, this proposal will deploy a local seismic network equipped with high-resolution seismic observed system. In addition, revised gravity data will be joined to obtain more reliable structure. The result will improve our understanding of tectonic structure of the southern segment of the Central Range.