研究期間:10108~10207;The principal investigator is interested on researches on the true main fronts of fundamental theory, especially on improving our conceptual understanding of fundamental physics. Recently, he has been launching attacks on two main fronts --- particle theory beyond the Standard Model (SM) and a new approach to the theory of quantum space-time and gravity. We think quite substantial progresses have been achieved from our recent efforts. This grant project proposal asks for support to continue that. This grant project proposal covers the year 2010 to 2013, which is a special critical period for the field of high energy phenomenology. The Large Hadron Collider is expected to start probing beyond the scale of SM physics soon, opening up a clear window towards the origin of the physics of electroweak symmetry breaking and beyond. Our group has studied various aspects of Higgs and other aspects of beyond SM phenomenology in close connection with our model building efforts. The supersymmetric SM with or without R parity, chiral anomaly free little Higgs models, and gauge symmetry models for the structure of SM fermion families have been among our efforts. Most recently, we find a new dynamical symmetry breaking model as the background electroweak symmetry breaking model for the supersymmetric SM. This is an important breakthrough we also intend to pursue as a main focus. We started formulating a radical new theory for the quantum space-time since 2006. The relativity symmetry for the quantum space-time is identified through Lie algebra stabilization with the Planck’s constant giving a similar role as the speed of light in fixing the fundamental symmetry. Our future plan focuses mostly on studying the physics of an intermediate relativity we just introduced to get to plausible experimentally accessible features related to the formulation.