研究期間:10108~10207;The generation of high-power millimeter-wave (MMW) with a broad frequency range (white-light) and very-fast scanning rate attracts lots of attention for several applications, such as; high resolution frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, THz (MMW) bio-medical imaging system, frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) communication system, and for the characterization of MMW radio telescope. However, the traditional MMW solid-state source usually exhibits a frequency scanning rate less than 1GHz/ms, which is usually too low to obtain a high resolution real-time image. In addition, a high-voltage output driver circuit is necessary to switch the tunable oscillator. By use of photonic technique to generate the fast-sweeping MWW signal is an attractive choice to overcome the limitation in sweeping-speed of traditional solid-state MMW source due to that the MMW band only occupies an extremely small portion of center frequency of optical wavelength. Furthermore, by use of the low-loss optical fibers, we can distribute the MMW white-light signal to different instrument-under-test, such as for the calibration of radio telescope array. In this project, we will demonstrate the MMW (W (75-110GHz) and D (110-170GHz) bands) white-light photonic generator and transmitter by use of a fast scanning laser or a high-repetition rate sub-ps mode-locked laser and a high-power/broadband near-ballistic uni-traveling carrier photodiode (NBUTC-PD) based photonic emitter to generate a MMW white-light spectrum cover W-bands and W+D bands with a 3dB bandwidth over 35GHz, (75-110GHz and 75-170GHz) with a scanning rate over 35GHz/ms and averaged power over 0dBm. We will demonstrate its application to FHSS radio-over-fiber (RoF) communication system, radio-telescope system, and real-time bio-medical imaging system.