Abstract: | 摘要 運輸安全是旅行使用者完成旅次的重要條件,交通肇事的發生 不但對用路人帶來生命與財產上的損失,更對社會面、經濟面有難以 估計的傷害,欲免除肇事安全的危害,達到預防更甚於事後彌補的效 果。本研究引進台北市交通大隊的肇事資料作為歷史資料,建立空間 的肇事資料庫,並透過GIS 軟體設計人性化的使用介面,讓肇事分析 者可以在簡便且多元的環境下進行操作,藉由現有龐大的肇事歷史資 料提供事故的危險訊息,以預防後續肇事的發生。在本研究中採用民 國九十年台北市中山區的事故資料作為示範,以1:50000 的數位地圖 進行空間肇事資料庫的製作。在分析工作方面使用ARCVIEW 軟體設計 空間套疊、肇事特性搜尋、統計圖製作、肇事指標計算與篩選的功能 組成肇事分析系統。將肇事區域分為路段與路口兩方面進行空間鄰近 分析的事故探討;分析人員可以在選定肇事區域後進入指標計算功 能,並且使用階段篩選方式將隱含的肇事區域突顯出來供駕駛人或相 關單位預防後續肇事之用。 ABSTRACT Safety is the first condition to the traveler. The traffic accident would bring the large damage to traveler. This study is to explore the effects of crash data in space. We use five properties to describe the characteristic of crash, and two mode to show the region of crash .We apply GIS software (AreView) to build a system in crash analysis. In this system, we have space analysis, property query, index compute and to sift specially crash from the data. Using the crash data from Jungshan Chiu, Taipei in 2001, and make the space data of crash in digital map that is 1:50000. By the way, we use intersection and section to differentiate high danger region. Compute the danger index in the region that the analyst want to discuss it. In this GIS-Based Accident Analysis System we have five property to describe the characteristic of crash: 1.occured time: about year, month, day, hour, minute. 2.damage level: crash class, dead, hurt, crash type, hurt level, car damage. 3.road data: max speed, road type, road kind, special space. 4.person data: person type, sex, career, education. 5.crash reason: traffic facility error, person error, weather. We use four index in this system: crash count, crash count per-km, Etan, Serious Index. In this propose we hope the analyst can use this system easily, and it will be less the crash damage to our traveler. |