Abstract: | 本文研究之主題優質住宅即為豪宅,豪宅定義大台北區只要房屋總價高於8,000萬元的個案,其他地區則以5,000萬元以上個案即稱為豪宅。對於豪宅的認定,除金額限定外,並具備獨棟建築、外觀豪華、地段絕佳、景觀甚好、每層戶少、戶戶車位、保全嚴密、管理周全等八項條件。 本研究優質住宅交屋移交,住戶權益分析彙整客戶享有合約之保障及工程履約保固期限及範圍,並分析了優質住宅與一般住宅工程保固期差異。客戶變更作業流程之分析,目前市場上客變作業大部分均以毛胚屋為主。 住戶交屋完成後由起造人與服務中心,協助舉辦第一屆區分所有權人大會並成立管委會,公設移交由建設公司建立移交清冊,並向管委會移交書面資料及實地點檢公共空間移交等作業。 本研究優質住宅交屋及公設移交之客戶滿意度問巻調查,社區成立管委會,設施設備正常使用經試運轉三個月後,實施客戶問卷滿意度調查,透過滿意度調查分析做為本研究改善的方向及服務品質的提升,且做為日後推案之檢討重點,以提升優質住宅住的品質。; The main focus of this research is about high quality residence which will be adopted and addressed as luxury homes for the present study. In Taipei city, luxury homes are those with prices higher than NT 80 million dollars. As for other cities in Taiwan, houses are considered luxurious if prices are marked more than NT 50 million dollars. However, there are eight other elements to further measure luxury homes aside from pricing, such as single home on its own, spectacular design, better location, pleasant view, a low number of residences on each floor, parking space, security, and safety. This study contains four parts. Firstly, it exams the process of handing in…. Secondly, it analyzes the buyers' benefits for having the contract agreement to protect their rights as well as the coverage and period of the warranty. Thirdly, it looks into the differences in warranty between luxury homes and general housing. Finally, Analysis of customer processes change, most of the current job market becomes boarding houses are mainly blank. Housing tenants pay after the completion of the proprietor and service center to assist people held the first meeting and established distinction between ownership management committee, public surrender by the construction company to build the transfer of inventory, and to the transfer of written information and real MC seized public place space transfer and other operations. This research aims to improve consumer's satisfaction in house buying services and quality. Survey is used in this research to measure consumers' satisfaction towards the process of house-buying, community's committee, and its facility after it's been used for three months. |