摘要 本文以「女巫」日譯「魔女」一詞,重讀於戒嚴體制下大放異彩的三毛,旨在 揭示其人其文的「魅力」形成,特別是較被忽視的非主流、非科學成分,如對「靈 異」的追求。 三毛獨特的個性,加上後天家庭不隨流俗的栽培與強烈個人自主意識的學習 以及良師益友的薰陶,蓄積了創作與藝術的養分,形塑了三毛的魔女魅力與風格。 三毛從出生開始就是一連串的遷徙,似乎預示著一生的飄泊。從離散兩岸間、自 主西方行到穿越陰陽界,三毛從有形跨越無形疆域,豐富的位移經驗,使她擁有 多采多姿的人生閱歷。 三毛其人其文,表現強烈的個人風格與追求自由的浪漫,在沙漠白手起家後, 卻克盡賢妻良媳之職。她穿梭於規範和自由之間,化解了傳統與自我的對立。尤 有甚者,她心靈導師的角色扮演撫慰不少受傷讀者。在資訊封閉的戒嚴體制時期, 她如傳遞訊息的魔女宅急便,帶來遠方的憧憬。 三毛藉由作品與個人的魅力,為廣大的讀者,構築了一個如夢似幻,虛實交 輝的藝術魔幻世界。; Abstract The thesis is regarding the enchanting witch, San Mao. To show the formation of her charm, the author puts emphasis on how she bewitches her readers, especially the non-mainstream and the supernatural part, which has been ignored for a long time. San Mao's charming style was formed by her unique characters, special background and learning experiences. All these above gave San Mao the sense of creativity and art. San Mao had been moving around after she was born. It seemed to imply that she would wander all her life. She had various experiences to cross boundaries, especially the invisible one. These made her and her works enchanted. San Mao acted as a gypsy, who was chasing romance and freedom. But surprisingly, she was very traditional in some aspects. People learn many exotica from her appearances, lectures and works. In other words, San Mao's works and herself revealed her enchanting style and mysterious world.