本研究為將鋰離子電池經由穿刺實驗後,短路電流經由穿刺用針流散時所產生的熱導致電池起火燃燒的現象,我們藉由針的內阻與電池電壓降與溫度變化,找出控制發熱高低的因子。 在研究中以SUS316以及S45C鐵為材質製作金屬針,以不同的速度進行穿刺實驗,發現在以S45C為基材所做的針,會使溫度上升的比較慢,加以量測針的電阻以後,也發現S45C的針比較低,因此可以知道,如果能夠掌握穿刺針的內阻,就可以減少穿刺針對於電池溫升的影響。 利用找出來的結果導引出尋找電池安全機制的方式,並藉由安全機制的探討,找出增加電池安全性的方式,可以找出以下三種方法增加電池的安全性:1.添加添加劑抑制氧氣的產生,。2.增加隔離膜的厚度或層數,吸收短路時所產生的熱量。3.使用耐燃電解液,提高電解液燃點。 ;This research using lithium-ion battery to do nail test. After the metal needle nailed into battery. Battery inside have made a very large current inside, and when this current go through the metal needle. Needle’s inside resistance and short circuit current will make metal some heat. The heat will make lithium-ion battery’s temperature grow up. Finally, the battery will make smoke and cause fire. During the research, we use S45C steel and SUS316 steel to made needle, and using different speed to do the test. We see the test result, we find the needle made by S45C cause battery’s temperature grow slowly than using needle by SUS316. As that we know, if we can control needle’s internal resistance lower, we can decrease the effects of needle. Using the result, we find method to increase battery’s safety. We get three method to increase battery’s safety : 1. Add some additive to decrease oxygen’s growth. 2. Increase seperator’s thickness or length. 3. Increase electrolyte’s flash point.