世界將面臨的能源危機,使開發新的替代能源變的刻不容緩,其中以太陽能電池最引人注目。目前在染料敏化太陽能電池上的發展,以N3及black dye最好,效率可達10%以上,但若要作為主要發電來源仍較有待進一步研究,其中包含了高光電轉換率的染料與可商業化的電池製程。在染料的開發上本篇論文模擬N3的結構,設計與合成出一新型的有機金屬染料,並期於未來的光電轉換實驗中能証實我們所設計的理論是正確的。 According to energy demands and concerns over global warming have led to a greater focus on renewable energy sources in recent years. To find efficiency way to use soalr cells is important.We want to find a new ruthunieum complex for Dye-sensitized solar cells and hope the design will get a good efficiency.