土木工程專家培養不易,為紓解專業人員缺乏的情形,利用專家系統解決問題為一有效之方式。但傳統專家系統受限於單機作業,或因電腦硬體或作業系統平台不相容,形成專家系統應用上之瓶頸。近年來網際網路之使用極為盛行,若能結合網際網路與專家系統,使專家系統透過全球資訊網上之瀏覽器執行,即可克服上述專家系統之缺點。 本研究提出網路專家系統之建置方法及架構,並實際開發一套震後橋梁快速檢測專家雛型系統之網站。該系統採用可跨平台瀏覽之網頁型式,提供震後之橋梁檢測評估。本研究並以此雛型系統為例,另建置一套開發於傳統專家系統環境中之雛形系統,藉以比較兩者之差異,以提供未來網路專家系統發展之建議。 Experts in Civil Engineering are rare and difficult to cultivate. Expert System (ES) technology provides a solution to such problems. However, traditional ESs run on a single computer, and are limited in use due to software or hardware problems. The vast growing applications on Internet, especially World Wide Web (WWW) browsers, shed a light on tackling the shortcomings of traditional ES. This research proposed a methodology and a system structure for establishing a web-based expert system. A prototypical web-based ES for fast bridge inspection and evaluation after earthquake is developed to demonstrate the feasibility. The system runs on a browser and can be accessed through Internet, i.e., a user can run system virtually from anywhere where Internet is available. A traditional ES performs the same function is also developed for comparison.